Suspect drives off with Officer hanging on car


You had him on video doing the deed, and you had his license plate number when you pulled up behind him. So was jumping onto the vehicle and threatening to shoot him actually necessary?


Nothing wrong with the officer pulling him over. Dude was a full SUV length past the stop sign. If someone was coming from the officer's direction, turning left, it would have impeded their progress. Not saying they still couldn't have made the turn, or it would have been dangerous or anything, the signs are there for a reason. The stop was probably more to see if this was a dui, but he had reason to stop him. Just be cool, don't be an ass, and probably would have gotten a warning and let go, unless he has a long history of infractions...then he deserved it.


That intersection has big rounded corners. I'd bet that a lot of people stop beyond the stop sign to see down the street without obstructions... and that's probably why the cop was parked there, to issue tickets at an intersection with a known design flaw.

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