Student Suspended for Bloodshot Eyes.

The student had bloodshot eyes from crying - his father was murdered two days earlier.

I agree 100% with the Turks on the messedupedness of this move by the school, but as a teacher I occasionally have to call kids out for coming in obviously blazed and unable to deal. Take them aside, find out what's going on, remind them that playtime is for after you finish your homework, etc. Now, if I were teaching Studio Art... different story.


Seems like a pretty reasonable grounds for suspicion. By comparison, if a student is uncoordinated and bumping into things, that's not very good evidence that he's drunk. If his breath also smells like alcohol, that's pretty damn solid. In either case you should have a drug test to be sure.

Should it be okay for kids to come to class drunk or high? No of course not. It makes them incompetent, disruptive, and is generally a bad habit to get into.

The only bit that angers me is the punishment. How is being suspended and getting behind in classes supposed to help? That's just going to make the kid more miserable and isolated, and help fuck up his chances with college. Just send him home for the day and let his mom know. There's no reason not to have compassion for all the druggie kids, and especially those with murdered fathers.

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