Russia Today - "Stop the 9-11 cover-up"

American citizens are pounding the streets, still searching for answers because the official version of the 9/11events has failed to satisfy many people, and there are calls for a fresh investigation into the tragedy. - RT

Your country has REAL problems! One party wants to blockade all progress the OTHER party tries to make in legislative matters, appointments for government posts etc. While a lunatic fringe attempts to de-rail the entire political system. Having only two valid parties means that the slightly leftward one only ever needs to be slightly to the left to pick up ALL of the left vote which, in turn means that there will never be a genuine contrast of political positions.

The so called, "news" media have almost entirely given up on actually reporting, mostly because their corporate owners have no interest in disturbing the status quo but also because Americans are so intellectually lazy they'd rather hear about which celebretard is off to jail now rather than face a few unpleasant truths about their society.

But by all means spend your energy on some crackpot conspiracy theories. The world is waiting for the US to fall from superpower status so they can get on with an agenda of social improvement without the constant obstructionism. Oh, and while you're going down the tubes, please take China with you.


No no no! This isn't The Real News, they don't run this garbage to pander to a niche demographic. 'RT' stands for Russia Today.

Please correct the title!

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