Snoring dog wakes to the smell of food

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Sung to the tune of "White Christmas": I'mmm dreaming of a biggg treat. This dog must breath, sleep, and think food all the time if a small treat can wake it up from it's slumber.

People wake up to smells. The point of the fire detector is that you might not be able to detect it at certain levels. It's also why we have carbon monoxide testers too, since we can't smell that period.

Once it reaches the "You wake up because of X", you might be in a room surrounded by flames and unable to escape...that's the point of having a fire detector to screech at you.

Also smoke doesn't just come in full blast, it does it gradually most times. You may not wake up to it if it were very gradual about it's increase until it became overwhelming. Much like with sound you can sleep through rain, but when a huge lightning strike followed up by rolling thunder will wake you up. Breaking glass is also a good example.

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