Senator Charles Grassley: 'AIG Execs Should Kill Themselves'

AP: Iowa Sen. Charles Grassley suggested on Monday that AIG executives should take a Japanese approach toward accepting responsibility for the collapse of the insurance giant by resigning or killing themselves. (March 17)

Never should've given it to them in the first place. P.S: It strikes me as funny that people are so angry about this when it's such a miniscule fraction of the actual bailout. We should be angry at this entire thing. They don't even have to tell us where the rest of the money is do they? We just found out about this.


Phony outrage over AIG is a diversion from the 3-pronged truth:

1) "Moderate" Repubicans played a part, but primarily Democrats caused this economic crisis via Fannie and Freddie corruption. No fking Repubican woke up one day and said, "I'll buy votes by forcing banks to give mortgages to people who can't afford them!"

2) The scamulus is a massive theft and failure, and it's also a creation of Democrats plus 3 moron Repubicans.

3) The morons on both sides of the aisle who thought AIG was "vital" enough to save with taxpayer dollars are like rescuers at a sinking ship, disgusted that some of the rescuees are criminals obliged to be saved as well. In fact, Congress is so disgusted they hope no one notices they're the ones that sank the ship in the first place.

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