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Scientology's Aquisition of Cult Awareness Network

One Scientology critic described the move thus: "Like operation Rescue, taking over Planned Parenthood."

Now you know why assholes like Tom Cruise, love this clutrligion. Never met one of their ilk before...looking forward to it about an easy mark....This is rich as well......
On December 12, 1996, a usenet posting by 'lah' (later reported by TIME magazine to be the account of one Sister Francis Michael of the Heaven's Gate group) in the newsgroup alt.religion.scientology applauded Scientology for their "courageous action against the Cult Awareness Network", which she blamed of "promoting all sort of lies (including) cult activities." This email was also reported on, and the full-text of the email was displayed, in an article entitled: "The business of cults", in 2000

The subject of the email was: "Thanks for Actions Against CAN", and began with the text: "Here's a round of applause to the Church of Scientology for their courageous action against the Cult Awareness Network.". The email was sent before the March 1997 mass suicide of 39 members of Heaven's Gate, who were under the belief that they would be reincarnated inside of a spacecraft that was supposedly following the Comet Hale-Bopp.

Remember the comet-riding castrates, with $5.45 in their pockets when they were found??? Now that would make a good tabloid headline, "Tom Cruise Takes Loyal Followers on a One-Way, All Expense paid Trip to the Volcano.

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