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Scientology: waht the f**k


I went into the scientology centre in Burbank once out of curiosity. I also wanted to do their IQ test just to pass some time and see what I'd score.

Scientology is just a business that is run like a cult. They try to get you to admit things they can use to blackmail or extort you. When I tried to be polite the first couple times and decline their invitations by saying I couldn't afford the hundreds of dollars it would cost just to attend the first meeting, they encouraged me to borrow the money from anyone I possibly could.

I personally would like to see the entire organization go down in flames.


I do think, that if people want to be irrational and believe in religious stories and lies, by all means, be my guest. I'm all for freedom. But if you're a scientologist or whatever a person who believes in that shit is called, you are DEFINITELY missing a screw. You have to be brain damaged to buy into this shit, and that's final.

choggiesays... about, a sci-fi writer, coming up with a system that people believe does work, if that's your perception??? Wrong? For You!(Why, with your backward process, fair reader, you there believing that YOUR way of thinking is the healthiest....POPPYCOCK!)
....Bradbury started his own religion/cult/that makes money, to this day.......called what, Star Trek....and selfish hypocrits want to hate him for it.?, Au Contrare, we applaude his vision, blah blah blaegeegeghh!
...same mechanism that makes atheists hate prayer in schools....this is the evil saatannn that takes your attention away from the reeeeel issue.....yer fuckin ego is bigger tahn MYY fucking Ego????!!!! WE CAN"T HAVE IT!

More power to Hubbard, as he has gone to the other side, with something to laugh his ass off to, for as long as ding dongs like Cruise, buy his soft drinks!



A "religion" is a cult with the benefit of time. I view all religions as harmful to humanity. But the level of harm varies. Scientology is particularly harmful in the present day. They destroy lives and cause great financial and psychological damage to their members.

At the very lowest levels, Scientology is not a lot worse then most "self-help" systems - not surprising as Hubbard stole the vast majority from other, better writers. But as people reached the original goal of "clear" and didn't obtain and real benefit (and were no longer giving money to Hubbard), he started creating new levels and goals.

Each higher level is crazier than the last. Each level re-defines words in new ways. Eventually, Scientologists have a completely distorted view of reality. By the time one has reached the "OT" level, you believe a whole bunch of palpably untrue things. When you combine the reinforcement of other cult members with the ego echo chamber in which many big Hollywood stars live - eventually you can believe anything.

For instance, Scientologists at Cruise's level believe they have "MEST powers" - that is absolute power over Matter, Energy, Space and Time. They believe they can kill with a glance. That intense stare that Cruise often uses in his acting is the fabled "OT III Death Stare".

It would all be hilarious if they didn't have a body count. If they didn't regularly engage in criminal acts. If they didn't use the courts as a weapon intending to bankrupt their foes. If they didn't force members to "disconnect" with family members who oppose Scientology. If they didn't use female members as temple prostitutes to pull in male recruits (Lisa Marie Presley, Mimi Rogers).

They are a destructive and malign force.

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