Scientology VS Chaser's Free Gullibility Test

The Chaser's war on everything Free Gullibility Test scientology

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The proper thing to do is to call it what it is: a Faith. An excentric, insane, supremist, exclusive, money-grubbing, murdering, cheating, and deceiving faith.


It is not a religion.. Religion, typically, first goal is to spread the religion to other people. They are concerned with people and numbers. Sure they make money, but they would rather have a billion poor people who are strong believers then just a few followers who are rich.

Corp of Sciencefictionology is based exactly opposite. It is structured so you have to have lots of money to be a follower. They focus on rich, powerful, and hollywood types that can attract others, but not in the everyone welcome way, but in the Paris Hilton-appeal way. Like a Prada bag, or paparazzi snap of a designer dress. The goal is like an infomercial or exclusive nightclub. There is a cover charge and expensive drinks.

If it was a religion, it would be free and you would want to help others become more enlightened. Instead it is expensive and they do everything to keep people out.

You should lose your tax-free status when your "church" building has a sign saying "By Invitation Only"


>> ^serosmeg:
funny how its called 'Scientology'. It doesn't involve any science. At all. Its more backwards to science than any other 'religion' is.

I disagree. I think they've turned a biofeedback device (e-meter) and bits and pieces of working psychotherapy (among other things, like peer pressure) into effective brainwashing tools. But yeah, the so called "spiritual" aspect of it is from fiction, just like most other religions.


"they do everything to keep people out"

This is far from true. They work hard to recruit, and even develop organizations (like narcanon, criminon, cult awareness network) to pull in more converts. If someone doesn't have money, they try to put them to work on the inside. If they can't get money or work from them, then they spit them out.

Maybe you're thinking about stories of how secretive the cult is, even to their young recruits? The reason for that is, if people knew about the space alien opera to be taught to them, or the anti-christian goals, most potential recruits would sense right away that something was wrong, and leave. No, RUN!


Ok, yes they need manpower, but go ahead and apply for a job. They are NOT taking anyone who wants to join. It is not a a convent, you cannot join because you have faith. They very selectively screen all their employees. So yes, they are still selective.

They use narconon and criminon for money, gov't money, more money, there is big money in drug rehabs. And yes, they use those programs to get access to vulernable people who have addictive personalities. Scientology is like a race track, you waste lots of money and it is addictive.

They are very selective. Go there and tell them how all your problems are money, and how you have lost everything. On the one hand they do like their slave labor (which is illegal for for-profit corporations and even non-profit entities, but churches can get away with slave wages, and guess what, they don't pay any taxes or social security.


One thing worth tossing out there is all of this stuff you guys are describing is really describing the Church of Scientology International, the corporation which oversees the "non-profit charitable organization" (along with the Religious Technology Center, a non-profit corporation created to register and guard the Church's trademarks).

The over-arching set of beliefs is not what riles MOST people's feathers (online, anyhow). Its the major proprietor's conduct.

For those unfamiliar with the distinction between the Church of Scientology and Scientology the faith, here's a wikipedia on the "free" Scientology groups -


Have you been asleep for the last 6 years? You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. Bush privatized and outsourced prisons to all sorts of religious groups.

In each of these fields, an organization affiliated with ABLE International utilizes Mr. Hubbard's technologies to effect social improvement. The assistance ABLE International gives these organizations is integral to their missions of social improvement.

The four key social betterment organizations that ABLE assists are as follows:

* Applied Scholastics International — in the field of literacy and education
* The Way to Happiness Foundation International — in the field of morality and values
* Narconon International — in the field of drug rehabilitation and drug abuse prevention
* Criminon International — in the field of criminal rehabilitation

- ABLE International prepared and submitted an application for, and obtained, federal funding for educational programs in Memphis, Tennessee.

New York Rescue Workers Detoxification but did not know the detox was associated with Scientology. Three other representatives, Charles B. Rangel, (D-New York City), Vito Fossella, (R-Staten Island) and Carol McCarthy, (D-Long Island) had also written letters in support of the detox. Fosella and McCarthy have requested $1.5 million in federal funding for the program.

Just look at this list of non-profit corps run by scientology and tell me again they don't get gov't money.


The "public support" items in those 990's are NOT government funding. There is a separate item for government contributions/grants, which is 0.

# Line 1a, Direct Public Support—contributions received directly from individuals and foundations.
# Line 1b, Indirect Public Support—contributions received through federated fundraising campaigns such as the United Way or the Combined Federal Campaign. Also included here are monies received from affiliated organizations (parent, subordinate, or supporting organizations).
# Line 1c, Government Contributions (Grants)—contributions from federal, state or local governments that are considered to provide a direct benefit to the general public. These contributions are distinct from monies received from government contracts or fees for services, which are included on Line 2 (see below). The distinction can be tricky. For example, suppose that a local government gives a rural health clinic $5,000 to support its operations. The clinic decides to use this entire amount to provide free Lyme disease inoculations to county residents. This is a government grant. If the $5,000 was given to the clinic in order to inoculate government workers against Lyme disease, and stipulated that the money be used for that purpose alone, it would be considered a government contract.

Item 1c was zero in all recent filings of Narconon and Criminon. Maybe the government is paying for services, but that isn't separated from all other service revenue in these 990 forms. Half the refs in that wikipedia article are dead links. So your links don't provide any definite evidence that Narconon received US government funding after 1978. It says they got money from school lectures in Massachusetts, but doesn't tie those to public schools. If there definitely is government funding for Narconon or Criminon, it should be challenged on establishment clause grounds, which will probably fail unless Clarence Thomas and Antonin Scalia die while Obama/Clinton is in office.

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