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From YT: On This Week with George Stephanapoulos, John McCain stated that Sarah Palin's recent statement that we should "absolutely" cross the the border from Afghanistan into Pakistan to stop the "terrorists from coming further in" is not a McCain campaign policy statement.

On the day of the Presidential debate, Sarah Palin made this statement that is in agreement with Obama's position on Afghanistan, and one in which McCain disagreed with Obama on during the debate.

Reporter: "So do we cross the border, like from Afghanistan to Pakistan, you think?"

PALIN: "If that's what we have to do to stop the terrorists from coming any further in, absolutely."

oh comon changing it to oh my piont was that you shouldnt war munger is utter bs.

and evan so his positoin is still a load of shit as mccain has war mongerd consistantly and in publick. i have no memory of obama ever war mongering. evan in the debate obamas statment was not one of yes lets invade it was one of taking apropreat actoin.

what a shit bag


Wasn't it pretty obvious the US would attack Iraq weeks before it actually happened, or was it just me? What the hell is he talking about? Attacking a country out of the blue? That would have to be Canada or maybe Costa Rica by now to be any kind of surprise.


I actually think McCain defended that quite well.
Really, is that Stephanopoulopolous' source? distant camera footage overhearing a conversation? He's gonna need better sources than that to try to get a McCain / Palin disagreement on policy. And there are.

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