San Francisco Cops Shoot Man in Wheelchair

SF police shooting of wheelchair user questioned

Justin Berton, Chronicle Staff Writer
San Francisco Chronicle January 6, 2011

Use-of-force experts who viewed the video recording of San Francisco police shooting a man in a wheelchair questioned why officers moved dangerously close to the knife-wielding suspect and said an electronic Taser would have been the ideal weapon to use in that confrontation.

Tuesday's shooting outside the city's Department of Public Health building on 10th and Howard Streets occurred moments after officers responded to a 10:18 a.m. report of an agitated man puncturing car tires.

Police Chief George Gascón said the suspect, who remains at San Francisco General Hospital recovering from non-life-threatening gunshot wounds, had stabbed a responding officer in the upper left shoulder before a passer-by began video-recording the incident. Gascón also said officers used pepper spray on the man in a failed attempt to subdue him before the video started.

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When they simply need to need to escort a person out, they use tasers...when a taser actually WOULD have been useful, they use a gun.

When are these guys going to learn what appropriate force is?


It's really humorous to me to see SFPD's undercover cops. They just don't fit in, ever. Even when these messengers of the darkside are trying to get protestors to "incite a riot" so they can tase & arrest everyone, everyone knows who you are. I know you're reading this. FUCK YOU.

The other humorous thing about them is most of the drugs in the Tenderloin (like bad, bad stuff - OCs, methadone, heroin, crack, meth) are peddled a block away from the police station and it seems like every once in a while they'll try to nab a whole bunch of people but for the most part that entire block is overlooked by the entire police department. Why is that?

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