Sam Harris - Why I Criticize Religion. Video Interview

Just what the title says...

The 9/11 attacks were carried out for explicitly religious reasons?

I disagree with that, Al-Qaeda like the Taliban uses a very nuanced and selective reading of the Islam, subverting almost all the conduct rulings mentioned in the Qu'ran with regards to warfare, specifically that you do not attack civilians. The 9/11 attacks were carried out because AlQ wanted to nullify the American status of being a world power untouched by violence, hoping that it would illicit a reaction which it and much more given that it allowed AlQ to increase recruitment through the way the US invaded Iraq and the implementation of torture.

Religion has always been used as an ideological system used to brain wash people into committing horrible violent acts, Islam doesn't really advocate subjugation of other religions, if it really did you would see the entire Islamic world rise up against the West. But it does do it? No because the actual teachings of Islam does not support terrorism. Neither does the Bible or Torah support violent attacks yet whole nations carry them out while praying to their gods.

Just as Christianity was used to fuel the Spanish Inquisition to get rid of whole swathes of people from Jews and Muslims to other civilians in Spain, so is Islam used to push forward violent acts. Religion is always used to reach a means to an end.

Furthermore it basically nullifies the actual issues the Arab world has against the US, specifically their continuous support of corrupt dictatorships in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the unlawful invasion of Iraq and its continuing problems and the staunch defense of Israel in the peace process with Palestine.


do you ever listen to yourself talk? really listen to yourself? because you have truly perfected the echo-chamber art of apologetic religious self delusion. endless weak pathetic excuses, laughably transparent logical fallacies, a total inability to objectively view your own irrational superstitions, a general unfamiliarity with self-consistent intellectual honesty. you gots it all baby. your filthy religion is bursting at the seams with the most ghoulish incitements to gratuitous violence on offer and it's all you can do to jump to its defense whenever this is noticed. the other monotheisms are just as guilty of the same but fortunately their most wacky adherents have been mostly contained in a box by science, law and reason over the past 500 years. the same can't be said if your brand of insecure, ignorant juju though, now can it.


>> ^stephenfryftw:
do you ever listen to yourself talk? really listen to yourself? because you have truly perfected the echo-chamber art of apologetic religious self delusion. endless weak pathetic excuses, laughably transparent logical fallacies, a total inability to objectively view your own irrational superstitions, a general unfamiliarity with self-consistent intellectual honesty. you gots it all baby. your filthy religion is bursting at the seams with the most ghoulish incitements to gratuitous violence on offer and it's all you can do to jump to its defense whenever this is noticed. the other monotheisms are just as guilty of the same but fortunately their most wacky adherents have been mostly contained in a box by science, law and reason over the past 500 years. the same can't be said if your brand of insecure, ignorant juju though, now can it.

And yet, you provide a bunch of hot air with little to none sound argumentation. Only numerous 'premises' elongated by the implementation of jargon-filled sentences. (I love the tone of your entire post with the fact you dare to use the word 'objectively' )

The real question here is, do YOU listen to yourself talk?

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