Anna Politkovskaya was a polemic reporter who published stories about Putin's rising government control, Russia's war in Chechnya, the corrupt rubber stamp Duma (Parliament) and human rights abuses.
She was shot dead on October 7th of 2006 with 3 shots in the chest and one control head shot, a soviet standard issue sidearm Makarov pistol was left by her side, a usual calling card of contract killers within Russia.
She was returning to her apartment, about to publish accounts of torture that was occuring in Chechnya in the small paper Novoya Gazeta for which she worked for, this war was a conflict many Russian reporters wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole since it was not a topic the government wanted brought up since much of it was basically carried out to secure oil supplies in that area and thus was in many ways inhumane, so much so that the Chechens started to utilized terrorist attacks to shock the rest of Russia into action.
Farhad2000On August 28th 2007 it was announced that 10 people were arrested in connection to her murder:
- NYTIt was standard Soviet practice to blame any problems that occur within its borders on foreign influences in the past. The press brief went on to state the murders were designed to destabilize the political situation in Russia and blame the Kremlin for it. This is totally ridiculous considering that the only people to benefit from her death was the Kremlin and specifically Putin himself.
Alexander Litvinenko, the ex-FSB Lt.Col and dissident accused Vladimir Putin of personally ordering the assassination of Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya. He himself was poisoned on November 1st of 2006, via lethal dose of polonium-210. As of 26 January 2007, British officials said police had solved the murder of Litvinenko. They discovered "a 'hot' teapot at London's Millennium Hotel with an off-the-charts reading for polonium-210, the radioactive material used in the killing." In addition, a senior official said investigators had concluded the murder of Litvinenko was "a 'state-sponsored' assassination orchestrated by Russian security services.
Putin offered an example of that at the news conference when defending his decision last fall to abolish elections of regional governors. "The leaders of the regions of the Russian Federation will not be appointed by the president," he said. They will be approved by "regional parliaments, which are directly chosen by secret ballot." Putin compared this to the Electoral College, which selects U.S. presidents. "It is not considered undemocratic, is it?"
In fact, under the new system, Putin will appoint governors. His selections have to be ratified by regional legislatures, but if such a legislature rejects his choice twice, it will be dissolved. As for secret ballots, Russian regional leaders have proved adept at generating the outcomes they wish.
Anna Politkovskaya was just one of the dozens of reporters to meet their end during the reign of Putin, yet the press which is 80% state controlled dare not question the official line from Kremlin. She was murdered on October 7th 2006, which also happened to be Putin's birthday.
- Source
I watched the main prosecutors briefing on PTP Planet in Russian that morning. The rhetoric, method of presentation, hostile opposition to any questions by the press left no doubt in my mind that it was simply a political ploy to ease criticism of the Putin government with regards to the murders. Suddenly after years of inaction not one, but several murders are explained away neatly, however neither actual motives, names of other suspects nor any concrete evidence backing up the claims were presented.
For more on Russian subversion of democracy I recommend you check out my sift -
siftbotRe-queueing this video for one more try; last queued Saturday, November 24th, 2007 7:35am PST - requeue requested by submitter Farhad2000.
legacy0100Call me an idiot, but I highly doubt the Kremlin OR Putin would find her work SO THREATENING that they had to send government assassins to take her down. Especially after watching the Orange revolution unfold from the same exact way in Ukraine. Are the Russian government so stupid to do such a thing??? This is downright fantasy level conspiracy theory. You wanna see what you WANNA see, that being me and you both.
Just because she was against the Russian government, the culprit automatically becomes that of her enemies in life. Russia has had a lot of fishy underhanded activities before and it's justified that they should be the prime suspects. But in this case it just doesn't make sense.
The rational explanation would be that a former Russian soldier who served in Chechnya hated her biased journalism so much that he took the matter into his own hands. You guys do realize that she has an extremely leftist liberal outlook, and was never liked by the Russian troops. War is brutal, for both parties. Yet she always sided with the Chechnyans, and that pissed off a lot of Russian patriots who always thought her works were unfair and biased and always downplayed the brutality of Chechnya rebels and only focusing on the retaliation acts of Russian soldiers.
Part of being a journalist is having tolerable rapport and non-biased views of the situation, and report the situation as is, without one's own analysis. Imagine how our troops feel if you went to Iraq as a journalist and constantly complained and criticized US troops for bombarding Afghans and starving Iraqi children, yet report how awful the Americans are because they're terrorizing the neighborhood with random raids and patrols but getting anything done, and that they're useless, and blame all the collateral damage on them. And the reporter is here to interview you about how futile the US efforts are in Middle east, while you lay in bed with a charred leg from an roadside IED, and just got back from a friend's funeral.
Your feelings to strangle the reporter is justified at that point. Well at least American journalists are trained to be unbiased and fair, which is very hard to do and often a forgotten art nowadays.
Anna Politkovskaya, on the other hand, never tried to understand Russians' side of the aspect, like many many other ultra liberal crazies. Yes we should mourn for her death, but don't justify her loss by saying 'she was right about everything'. Because she was a very biased journalist who provoked and enraged the Russian soldiers.
My god, the more I read about you guys posts, more I realize how sickened I am by ultra liberal craziness. I think you guys are starting to turn me into a hard ass conservative Republican!! 0_o What have you done to me?!?!!? (although Republicans hate Russians just as much as any other. A common trait throughout American history. Shared hatred against enemy FTW! Reunite the nation by focusing on hating Russia!!!)
Farhad2000Anna Politkovskaya was not an "ultra liberal crazy" as you put it, she was in fact one of the few journalists who dared questioned the official line from the Kremlin, she asked the questions that no one dare asked and was submitting to various acts of harrassement by the state who viewed her reportage as dangerous.
She wrote:
And if you highly doubt that the Kremlin or Putin would order the assassination of a rogue reporter then I think you missed the poisoning of FSB dissident Alexander Litvinenko by Polonium-210:
Or are British authorities "fantasy level conspirators" as well? I think your personal admiration of Putin's usurpation of power is interfering with your ability to discern the facts.
legacy0100Again, You wanna see what you WANNA see, that being me and you both.
There's all kinds of information flying left and right and 'facts' they claim. And I remember at one point Litvinenko going as far as accusing Putin of a pedophile and a rapist. I mean, what the crap is all this?? That surely adds to his legitimacy.
To me, this is no different than 9/11 conspiracy theorists coming up with really convincing 'evidence' of a staged attack on world trade center. You distrust the government and don't agree with their policies, so anything that fits the scenario sounds very plausible. And smart people make it sound really really convincing.
This is why I always have a reason of doubt when it comes to this type of genres. A nation's president having direct hand in Assassination etc etc. You hear a lot of that in Latin American politics as well (not just Hugo Chavez). And it makes them paranoid as heck, and start coming up with all these crazy facts about US government and such.
To be fair, they too have legit reasons as to why they distrust US government. After all, CIA agents did assassinate a truck load of South American leaders for a long time. But to go as far as claiming that 'US president personally ordered this assassination of my next door neighbor' and such, really doesn't make sense.
So in Russian case, I see it the same way. And that is why I always try to be level headed and see it from a different perspective other than 'the government LIES TO YOU!' (be it American or Russian) type of deal.
And I'm not calling you a conspiracy theorist. I'm just stating the reason why I am skeptical about all these claims.
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