*Music: No Surprises by Radiohead
Ross Ching’s video, “Running on Empty” is a time lapse vision of an LA without cars. Ross was inspired by Matt Logues’s E M P T Y L.A., a photography exhibition that showcases eerily abandoned streets in the city of angels. You can read about Ross’s work in his own words, here:
Spectacular time lapse pieces have sprung up all over the internet. I have even developed some awesome relationships with some of the creators. However, the majority of them seem very similar — like they should be on the Discovery Channel or in a visitor center. There needs to be originality. There needs to be pioneers. There needs to be something more than beautiful shots. There needs to be a human element. There needs to be a story.
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siftbotsays...Tags for this video have been changed from 'los angeles, empty, streets, no people, no cars, freeways, la, art, time lapse' to 'los angeles, empty, streets, no people, no cars, surprises, freeways, la, art, time lapse' - edited by Trancecoach
siftbotsays...The duration of this video has been updated from unknown to 1:21 - length declared by Mandtis.
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