Ron Paul on the Daily Show - June 4th 2007


lessseee....nicey-nice white guy conegressman, richer than any American will ever be, mannish Senator from NY, straight outta no-where token politician hoo-doo man, some cunt named Mitt, named after his smarter counterpart, the "catcher's", a john, a joe, some Gravel and Kiswhosich???, some guy Biden Ricardson... Brownback,Giuliani,Gilmore,Paul; Huckabee,Hunter,Skeletor(mccain),Newt, Tacredo and Tommy Tom Tom....oh and, roll the founding farthers over in their dirtnaps, for the potentials....Gored and Coldburns, and Rear Admiral, Wesley Clark......Miss Any??? Is she running, too???......
Then there's the pathetic rub of this roulette wheel of oblivion-
In January 2007, Federal Election Commission Chairman Michael Toner stated that the 2008 U.S. presidential race will be "the most expensive election in American history". Toner estimated that the 2008 race will be a "$1 billion election", and that to be "taken seriously", a candidate will need to raise at least $100 million by the end of 2007.

Your choice, ladies and gentlemen, simply touch your lighted score pads and count up those clever sound bites, all votes tallied in as meaningful a way as possible-and remember, don't miss Dancing with the Idol Wifeswap, coming up after the next cold war........

There is another choice, but expatriation will have to wait for the grocery trucks to stop rolling........

thanks for the platform fedquips-cheers on this the 5th......

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