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You should never deny working people the ability to negotiate for the best set of standards for working conditions.

Sounds pretty Marxist, eh, blankfist? ;)

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This is very weasely. When he says they should not have "special privileges" he means things like blockading a factory with a picket line, direct action of any kind, sitting in etc.

His position is that the power of the owner should be specially protected by the law, but the power of the worker should not.

If he supported no longer subsidizing property as well, then he would have a balanced position.


>> ^blankfist:
What did he say? Unionizing should be a right, but there shouldn't be any special legislative privileges? Sounds like a pro 'right to work' stance to me.

So people have the right to form unions as long as unions have no rights or power?

How about:

People have the right to incorporate/own property, but thereby gain no rights or power.

That's the capitalist class analog, does that seem fair to you?

The NLRB, like workers comp, exists to limit the liability of business owners from worker opposition or lawsuit, they provide an outlet for people who have the option of asymmetrical class warfare. These mechanisms provide lower risk options, which are structured to benefit the boss more than the workers, but do allow some redress of grievances.

Unions, and the political/legal power they have arose organically from a hostile environment as a compromise solution. This compromise has been slowly chipped away by business lawyers to the point where they serve corporate interests much more than they do worker interests.

Paul does not want to go back to open class warfare, he just wants to let workers "organize", for which they will obviously be fired in the absence of "special privileges". This allow them no recourse but sabotage and violent blockades, from which the "special privileges" of property ownership will entitle their boss to a free army of police to suppress and punish any such activity.

He wants privileges for one group but not the other, it's his pretending that subsidizing property holding through the police/legal system is not a "special privilege" that descends into weasel words.

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