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Ron Paul The Unelectable The Champion Of The Constitution

i´m not american, but this almost brings out tears. it´s sad to see how the only candidate left that speaks the truth is being treated.

Babymech.... why is it so funny. This is a grass roots promotion of a candidate. There is a little fluff in it of course. However, I am not glad he is on his way out. I voted for GW Bush in 2000. Then he promptly became our worst president ever. I do not trust any other candidate. He was the only GOP candidate that would bring the troops home. Clinton is a major flip-flopper. Brack is my second choice, but I don't trust him either. I agree that some of Ron Paul's policy's are a bit crazy. However, his message (and voting records) hasn't changed while he's been in office. No other candidate can say that. That is why I trust him as president. I am sick of being lied to, and having my civil liberties trampled on.

Super Tuesday made me rather sad that Ron Paul didn't get more support.


I stopped watching at "Just come home.", his proposed solution to ending the war in Iraq.

I apologize for being so blunt, but that's a dumb sound bite for dumb Americans to clap at. The situation in Iraq is vastly complicated and as such it deserves a delicate solution; you wouldn't tear up somebody's house and then leave them to clean up the mess, would you? In my opinion, America has a responsibility to leave Iraq in as good or better position than it was before it invaded... but that's just my opinion and it's a relatively uninformed one at that: the only people who really know what they hell they're talking about are the military commanders on the ground who deal with the messy situation in Iraq on a daily basis, and the foreign policy analysts listening to those commanders' reports with an open mind.

Do I want American troops to come home like, uh, YESTERDAY? Of course. Who doesn't? But it's not that simple. If you pull troops out today, abruptly, then Iraq would likely descend into chaos, civil war, and the whole region could destabilize even more than it already is. Sure, Ron Paul can make sweeping sensationalist statements like "Just come home", but when he's sitting behind the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I would expect his military commanders and foreign policy analysts to beg him to see reason.

However, I'm not downvoting this video—it's well-made and others might enjoy it.


>> ^rosspruden:
I stopped watching at "Just come home.", his proposed solution to ending the war in Iraq.
I apologize for being so blunt, but that's a dumb sound bite for dumb Americans to clap at. The situation in Iraq is vastly complicated and as such it deserves a delicate solution; you wouldn't tear up somebody's house and then leave them to clean up the mess, would you? In my opinion, America has a responsibility to leave Iraq in as good or better position than it was before it invaded... but that's just my opinion and it's a relatively uninformed one at that: the only people who really know what they hell they're talking about are the military commanders on the ground who deal with the messy situation in Iraq on a daily basis, and the foreign policy analysts listening to those commanders' reports with an open mind.
Do I want American troops to come home like, uh, YESTERDAY? Of course. Who doesn't? But it's not that simple. If you pull troops out today, abruptly, then Iraq would likely descend into chaos, civil war, and the whole region could destabilize even more than it already is. Sure, Ron Paul can make sweeping sensationalist statements like "Just come home", but when he's sitting behind the desk at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, I would expect his military commanders and foreign policy analysts to beg him to see reason.
However, I'm not downvoting this video—it's well-made and others might enjoy it.

i can do nothing else than to respons to this bullsxxt, i don´t even know where to start to educate you about the world. i can only ask you this, how should the germans have known 65 years ago that they were being fxxked in the axx with sxxtloads of propaganda?????? the same way ron paul supporters ended up being his supporters, educate yourself, dont stare into the news like its the truth....!!!! because it isnt, there are people and coperations that benefit enormously from news-makin, and of course they do what they can to make things go their way..... i have a feeling you never did this in your life, so do it know, start to ask questions in your head next time you see the news......for exsample next time the media tells you about palestinians blowing up isrealians, and the look at what isreal has done to palestinia the last 60 yrs!!!???!!!!!!!...........its hard to imagen these people were victims of a holocaust only 65 yrs ago, now they act like everybody except them selves are sub-human, but hte u.s is the only country of 500.000.000.0000 or so many counries that supports isreal...the onkly country in the whole intire fxxkin world, that supports them, is that not a little questionable????? get a passpoat, go travel, educate yourself.....YOUR GOVERMENT HAS MOTIVES,NEVER FORGET THAT.


ohhh, and about the commanders...they have a carrier to think about when they speak, and no people are more loyal and carrier-thinking than ranked people in the military´ are ridicilous....hey, did you ever hear about the u.s militaryship that got bombarded by the israelies in the ´60...or ´70?......israelis "ONLY" ally???????? it was meant to sent the .us. into war with the middle east, but the israeli pilots refused to bomb the ship to pieces when the realized they were bombing an american military only 31 american lost their lives, not 170 as planned by pres.johnson, when he said, and its oj record, tha the the ship sould go down, by any means..........agian, EDUZCATE YOURSELF


dear god, i just read yout comment again and i realize that im talkin to a... i dont know....lets say that i have seen a lot of documentaries about the war, u.s military fxxks up so many homes and guess who pays for it or cleans it up????? so for you to use the metafore as you did, did tell me that you live somewhere in the country, bible-belt, with only 1000 folks living huge,huge,huge far as i know, its called sorry , i cant stop, i hate to hear about people that refuse to educate themselves and just believe blindly...


The US military is not equipped to fighting insurgencies. The only way peace (cleanup of Iraq) will work is if the people demand it themselves. This area has been unstable for hundreds of years. You cannot expect a military group to fix it in only a handful of years.

Dead_tofu... thanks for invoking Godwin's law. How is Ron Paul's limited government anywhere close to Hitler's Nazi party's agenda?

BTW, Israeli's are able to carryout there military prowess because American arms and money. If America would stop meddling with other country's affairs then maybe we can have a better economy and be more respected in the rest of the world. Now if only we can find a candidate that believes that???


^ dead_tofo I don't really know how to respond to all that. I mean, when I read, "agian, EDUZCATE YOURSELF", I have to stifle my laughter, you know?

If you disagree with me, I'm okay with that, but if you *really* care to enlighten me, wouldn't you be better served by deleting your vindictiveness and laying out a rational and respectful (and error-free) rebuttal? If you just want to resort to ad hominem attacks, that's your choice... just be aware that when you do, you give me carte blanche to dismiss everything you say as rantings of a looney.


dead_tofu, I share your sentiment, but the form is horrid. I have no problem reading "bullshit", "ass", or other curses and the like. But my soul hurts when I read something like the three comments above. Please, for the love of Stephen Fries everywhere, take some time to express yourself in an adult and appropriate manner.

That being said;
Of course "just come home" is a sound bite, rehearsed to be exactly that. It's not for the "dumb americans", it's for the "dumb media format". And while it seems that it's a ridiculous statement, I think that "as soon as possible" should be attatched to it. And it's certainly a hell of a lot sooner than the other candidates.

Fact of the matter is:
It's an aggressive war; we* invaded.
It's not even a real war according to american law, because it's not declared by the congress.

Those two alone should make everyone agree that we should keep our noses out of the hornets' nest.

*(I use "we" because Denmark, where I'm from, also joined the invasion in the beginning.)


Oh for fucks sake, not this again. I like Ron Paul, but these "inspirational" compilations of clips with triumphant music are getting annoying. Is there something new and interesting here? No.


^ gwiz We could talk for another few months about the legitimacy and/or justification for going to war in Iraq, so it's really a red herring to this discussion, in my view.

As a sound bite, "just come home" is fundmentally lacking because it doesn't convey your nuance of "as soon as possible." In fact, ALL the presidential candidates want the troops to come home as soon as possible, but how that's defined is what is on the table. Does that mean 3 years, 10 years, 2 months, 10 weeks, 14 days, or tomorrow? "Just come home," implies tomorrow.

In any event, I'm giving you an upvote for invoking Stephen Fry.


>> ^rosspruden:In fact, ALL the presidential candidates want the troops to come home as soon as possible, but how that's defined is what is on the table. Does that mean 3 years, 10 years, 2 months, 10 weeks, 14 days, or tomorrow? "Just come home," implies tomorrow.

I hate to say it, but most, if not all, of these comments are very misguided and uninformed. Ill start with Ross up there. Did you not watch the last republican debate? McCain said himself he doesn't have a problem with staying in Iraq for 100 years. Clinton can't seem to make her mind up, and there were a few others who had extended "plans." Ron Paul says bring them home now, but he has also said that he understands the logistics of it all, and that you cant just ship them all home tomorrow.

>> ^Babymech:
I am not an American, but this almost brings out giggles. Thank god he's on his way out, because this was a ridiculous internet campaign.

I don't even know where to start. I have to bring into question your knowledge and understanding of My country and its political past, present, and possible future ramifications. So until you back up what your saying, STFU.

@ maximillian: Well, you seem pretty on it. Nice job.

@ rosspruden again: RE: your first comment.
Ok its a delicate situation. How so? Explain your statements. And anyways, as far as leaving it better than you found it? Well, America has built roads, bridges, school, hospitals, cared for their sick and poor etc. Look it up sometime. We've helped their country so much. Oh, and did I mention the removal of a Fascist Dictator. Hmm. Nope, I forgot that. Guess we haven't helped much. Iraq has been in chaos for hundreds of years. Nothing the US does from here on out is going to make much of a difference. And don't start talking about collateral damage and what not. You don't think that the US Gov't doesn't pay them back for that shit?

@ DeadTofu. My god man. I'm not sure if your drunk or high. That was some incoherent babbling shit. Use a spell check if you have to. FireFox has one built in. I suggest switching. I can't even begin to respond to that pile of crap.

@ Gwiz, your definitely right about it being an illegal war, but I think that sound bite WAS for the dumb Americans. Don't forget, theres a lot of them out there.

@SaNdMaN: Then don't watch them. They are not made so much for Ron Paul fans, but to try and help deliver the message that he has.

@Tofumar: Preach on, brother. Preach on.



Wow man. Just wow.

First off, it's not just america. For christ's sake let's get that straight, the world exists beyond america. I don't even know where to start, and i KNOW you won't see that any of what you said is wrong or unbiased, so i almost think there's no point. But for the sake of every other sifter who reads your comment and goes "is that true?!" i'm going to point out a few things. I'm not even an expert, it's just basic logic and knowledge.

"Leaving it better than you found it? We built bridges, roads, hospitals, schools."
-- Dude, THE COUNTRY IS A WARZONE. By our standards, parts of it are uninhabitable, parts of it are dangerously habitable and the parts that are comfortably habitable still have huge risks hanging over them every day from various factions of their own countrymen (Quote needed; "I'll believe Iraq is safe when i see politicians/celebrities holidaying there"????). Let's not get further and further into history, ok? Yes the country was in a shit state beforehand, and yes in one way or another the civilised west has been funding/aiding the ruination of the middle east for years before our own life times.

Let's stick to now;
Allies go in -> Hussein removed -> people safer
Allies go in -> What ramshackle law and order there was is removed -> people less safe
(law and order being more than just "policing", which we are currently doing to whatever degree of success)

These happened alongside each other. The net result, imo, is that the country is, safety wise, in the same shit it was in the first place. Let's not argue "exactly how safe" it is/was. I think (depending on your source) that life expectancy has been dropping in Iraq since the 90s, and was still dropping after the war (this war) "finished".

The allies have not left that country in any kind of state. We went in to liberate the country from an evil regime, you absolutely cannot go into a country to liberate them and leave them in the kind of state that iraq is in. Whether you wanted to go to war or not, you have to accept that the state the country is in now is our doing, and it is our responsibility to correct it.

You can either leave them with the evil regime to die and suffer, or you can go in and help. You can't go in and help and then leave them to die and suffer. The moment you invade, the dying and suffering is your responsibility until such a time as they can take the responsibility back off you. You're on that ride to the very end, my friend.

"And don't start talking about collateral damage and what not. You don't think that the US Gov't doesn't pay them back for that shit?"
-- If i give you $200 000, can i kill your family? Then put your property and whatever loved ones you have left in constant danger, and when your crisis is greatest and your heart is broken, up and leave you to fend for yourself in a society with NO law and order, as opposed to "bad law and order", in a world where the $200 000 can't buy your safety?

That comment screams "asshole" to me, dude. Think about what you're saying.

I know you're not a stupid guy, i've read some of your quality comments. Are you sure you're going the right way with this?


There's actually no point in me trying to persuade you that "simply up and leaving" Iraq is a bad idea. The US government will NOT do it, you have my word.

Imagine it. All american troops leave iraq tomorrow, country falls into riot and chaos. UN and others have to move in and help restore order to the country because america refused to help clean up their part in the mess. America even more hated worldwide than before. And then what? Ominous thought, and no american government would be stupid enough to risk making itself the biggest pariah on the planet.

The world would not tolerate a power which thought it could metaphorically reach into a country, fiddle around a bit, change what they liked, then leave. In many ways, that's worse than what Hussein was doing. And i have way way way more faith in americans than to think they'd ever go that far.

Or maybe not and this is the beginning of the end!


Ron Paul failed at the primaries because his internet movement failed to get off their internet asses and go vote for him, pure and simple. These poor Ron Paul videos are useless at this point. It is too late. I am a huge Ron Paul fan and I love his message. I wish the power he had on the internet rolled out to the polling booths but sadly it didn't. At the end of the video, the guy said "get off your couches people, its your country" and that is basically it in a nutshell. Too little, too late.


>> ^Hive13:
Ron Paul failed at the primaries because his internet movement failed to get off their internet asses and go vote for him, pure and simple. These poor Ron Paul videos are useless at this point. It is too late. I am a huge Ron Paul fan and I love his message. I wish the power he had on the internet rolled out to the polling booths but sadly it didn't.

I sadly agree. I'm a Ron Paul supporter, and I DID vote for him, but I almost didn't because of our craptastic primary/caucusing system. Many times, for many people, me included, votes are cast not for who you want in office, but against those you don't want in office. I was very close to voting for Obama, not because I think he's a great candidate (though I do think he's pretty good), but because he's NOT Hillary, I think Paul was the only Republican with any real chance at beating a Democrat this year, it seriously didn't look like Paul had a chance, and Hillary was too close to winning. Luckily, Obama's pulled ahead of her, and it looks to me like he's got a great chance of winning... but unfortunately he's still not Paul.

If caucuses and primaries were simply held on the same day, exit polls were banned, and people could vote for whatever party they felt like, people would be much more likely to vote their conscience.


Internet Support < Real Support

As a technological medium I think its pretty easy to have exaggerated levels of support online especially since alot of foreigners loved Ron Paul's message and stance as well.


I see the main point in some of the comments is the thought that if we leave now the country will fall into chaos and civil war. Now im not going to use the defense of "what else is new" since America has been doing that sort of thing for decades what makes Iraq any different, but that is where Ron Paul's support comes from. To recognize that our foreign policy is so back asswards that it needs to be completely thrown out and rewritten because Iraq wont be the last country we fuck with and screw up unless we change the basic ideas of what we are obligated to do world wide. Now in terms of it being a civil war it already is, we are just supporting the side we want to win. Our manipulation leads to an endless cycle of being more involved and manipulating the out come of other countries even more. I think thats why people just want to leave because we have fucked up so much, our intentions were not moral or good (no matter what the administration tell you), there is no end or victory possible here (plus victory for who, what decide who wins?), the UN supported us for Afghanistan but not Iraq, and the world is going to hate us no matter what we do, stay or go. Im not saying we dont share responsibility, we do, but like the sound bit of Ron Paul (not in this video) saying that we are only staying to save face is absolutely true. We arent even staying for the right reasons of helping these people (they just feed you that so you will see how we "have" to stay) but to make ourselves feel better and morally self righteous.

So it comes to RP's point of how much is enough, when do you call it quits when everything has gone wrong. Pursing and endless tragedy in the mere hope that something good might be at the end for us to feel better about ourselves is foolish. The end people does not always justify the means. We can not fight these peoples civil war for them. With the logic that we must stay to take responsibility for what we did when making it right is almost impossible is pretty much just punishment (which maybe we deserve) but should we still be in Vietnam since we had no business being there either but hey since we went in and fucked them up should we of stayed there another 10 years righting the wrong that we got involved in? Look at the horrible disaster that fell on those people afterwards. If you answer yes then vote Mccain because 100 years might be long enough to right all the wrongs we have done but I doubt it. I think backing off not just of Iraq but of everything is best because our intentions and outcomes have not been good. The world could benefit and these countries could get back on their feet if we left the stage and let them control their destines.


sry, i was so drunk yesterday that i couldnt even see straight, true. and in a bad mood, but aint takin too much back of what i said, i will just make sure i formulate my sentences a little better next time.

cheers, dead.


Unless otherwise, all quotes are from danny.

"And i KNOW you won't see that any of what you said is wrong or unbiased, so i almost think there's no point."

I can only assume your talking about what I said to babymech. Thats all I could really offer up in light of the fact the entire line of his was drivel. Ron Paul is the closest we have had in a LONG time to a TRUE Republican. He was trying to bring our country back to its Constitution. So excuse me if I fail to see how that justifies his wanting to laugh at the prospect of losing what would have been a great president.

As far as your rambling on about Iraq, and what I had to say in regards to building it up, I'm just going to throw everyones favorite acronym at you: STFU. The country of Iraq has been policing itself now for a couple for years with assistance of allied forces. A few years ago, American military sent teams, (MITT and BITT) into Iraq to help train their police forces and military so that they could police themselves. We removed a dictator and they set up a democracy.

"Dude, THE COUNTRY IS A WARZONE. By our standards, parts of it are uninhabitable"

Of course there is going to be areas of that country that suck. There are areas of MY country that suck. So when you start saying "parts of it are dangerously habitable and the parts that are comfortably habitable still have huge risks" Well no shit. And until their own people stop suicide bombing (which has been going on since WAY before the US showed up) its going to stay that way.

" absolutely cannot go into a country to liberate them and leave them in the kind of state that iraq is in."

Already explained that one to you.

"The moment you invade..."

That one gets tossed around alot. Yeah theres those that didn't / don't want us there. Then there are the shitloads that do. Ask MGR. He'll tell you. Hell, just about every Iraq vet I know tells me stories of how the locals took soldiers in their homes and tried to give them what they had to offer. Feeding them "lavish" meals while they ate crumbs. So yes, the US went in against its own laws, and depending how you look at it, you can call it an invasion. Or you can call it liberation. But whichever way you choose, keep in mind the US isn't the only country that went in. SO why is it JUST their responsibility?

As far as the collateral damage goes, I was talking about houses, doors, homes, vehicles and what not. I would never put a price of life, and not for one second did I mean to suggest we are financially reimbursing their families of people who we killed. Like you said, its a WARZONE. Shit happens, even if we try as hard as we can to keep it from happening. It sucks.

I know you're not a stupid guy, i've read some of your quality comments. Are you sure you're going the right way with this?"

Thank you and yes.

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