Rogue from X-Men, has this special report on Ninten-pendants

In 1991, local newsstation reports Nintendo released their successor to the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) in America. But the parents wasn't too happy about it. The parents thought Nintendo was exploiting their children into buying new and expensive hardware for new games when the improvements to the new hardware were obvious.

>> ^direpickle:

I like video games and all, but I think we need more people, today, that are willing to say, "No. The thing I have is good enough."

Yep, I am one of them. I still have my 20" Sharp CRT TV from 1996, VCR, Casio Databank 150 calculator watch, etc


>> ^ant:

>> ^direpickle:
I like video games and all, but I think we need more people, today, that are willing to say, "No. The thing I have is good enough."

Yep, I am one of them. I still have my 20" Sharp CRT TV from 1996, VCR, Casio Databank 150 calculator watch, etc

I'm not one. It's something I have to fight. I either get overly sentimentally attached to old things, or way too green with envy over new things.


>> ^direpickle:

>> ^ant:
>> ^direpickle:
I like video games and all, but I think we need more people, today, that are willing to say, "No. The thing I have is good enough."

Yep, I am one of them. I still have my 20" Sharp CRT TV from 1996, VCR, Casio Databank 150 calculator watch, etc

I'm not one. It's something I have to fight. I either get overly sentimentally attached to old things, or way too green with envy over new things.

I keep using old stuff because they work fine. I don't need the latest stuff if they work. It save me money, time, etc. I do upgrade/replace them if they don't work anymore or really can't be used.


>> ^Trancecoach:

It's like the hair of someone who was pretending to be from the future.. in the '80s!
>> ^ant:
>> ^Trancecoach:
those 80s hairdos were just amazing.
(even tho this technically took place in the 90s, I'm going to say it's 80s and let it stand)

Hehe, I recognized her. She is Colleen Williams from KNBC4 in Los Angeles/L.A.: ...

Or she's old school and thinks she is still in the 1980s/80s. I can't remember if she was on that news station back then. Maybe she was like in 1989.

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