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Rod Liddles The Trouble With Atheism (C4 documentary, 47min)


The last question in the program is perhaps, the best place to leave the for or against argument-God or no God, it can'not be proved, one way or the other
Atheists have their religion, Zorasters', Unitarian Universalists, and Subgeniouses theirs, and the only "Logical" conclusion, is to lump them into one new philosophy, "Metagnosticism" The belief in the Unknowable!

Personally, methinks the fastest way to truth, is in the living and doing, of the human being...and grazing on healthy foods, exercise, and meditation.

Oh, and we must bow down to the great Ben-jee, for providing our sustenance, in the form of the documentary.....(C4 rocks!)


Before you continue understand that this is coming for a person who has been an atheist for a decade now.

I think there should be a ban on videos about atheism. Reason: there are too bloody many of them!


DOWN vote. This is one of the most breathtakingly daft and intellectually flimsy documentaries I've seen on the subject. The host trots out the groan inducing old horses of Stalin and Hitler "being atheists" in hopes to prove that somehow atheism is responsible for the atrocities inflicted by each. It is painfully obvious only 5-10 minutes in that he also has essentially no understanding of science or the scientific method at all and compares Darwin's Origin to 'other sacred unquestioned texts like the bible' as if they were somehow of equivalent authority and logical reasoning. The entire program is rife with laughably pathetic attempts to equate current scientific understanding with just any old religion; raising red herrings, false dichotomies and using terms like "cathedrals of science" left and right in desperate hope of convincing the viewer that science and lack of religion are yet just more religions themselves. Don't bother wasting 50 minutes on this stinker, even the Dawkins interview isn't worth the time, as it has obviously been cut to shreds by disingenuous editing in order to blunt his argument's effectiveness. awful. The above comment is right about the recent glut of atheist documentaries but only because there are so many BAD ones out there like this one.


I don't agree with the [agnostic] presenters tenuous findings at times, and with some of the people interviewed...But his final conclusion, that atheism is becoming more of an organised religion in itself: is a valid one. I'm probably responsible for most of the atheist Sifts in here, so at least an argument against it (like this): balances out my posts.


Forgive a perhaps, perceived digression, though tis' the nature of the subject...watching the person speaking, knowing their past on cameras' and philosophies, and agreeing or dis, more or less, with their world views, speaks volumes to what one lies or dislikes about such indulgences. A personal joy is derived on so many levels viewing this particular rave and the dynamics surrounding the same, and its got the thinking cap on for the name of a new and improved, "RReligion SLASH SScience of interpreting the observations of others.

Working on it.


Oh, one of the levels was watching this at work, audible to at least three others, in a state in the US very close to the buckle of the bible belt, with co-workers that have bible verses in their cubicles....

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