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Right to dissent was suspended at G20 Pittsburgh

From YT: The G20 in Pittsburgh showed us how pitifully fearful our leaders have become.

Out of fear of the possibility of a terrorist attack, authorities militarize our towns, scare our people away, stop daily life and quash constitutional rights.

For days, downtown Pittsburgh, home to the G20, was a turned into a militarized people-free ghost town. Sirens screamed day and night. Helicopters crisscrossed the skies. Gunboats sat in the rivers. The skies were defended by Air Force jets. Streets were barricaded by huge cement blocks and fencing. Bridges were closed with National Guard across the entrances. Public transportation was stopped downtown. Amtrak train service was suspended for days.

In many areas, there were armed police every 100 feet. Businesses closed. Schools closed. Tens of thousands were unable to work.

Four thousand police were on duty plus 2500 National Guard plus Coast Guard and Air Force and dozens of other security agencies. A thousand volunteers from other police forces were sworn in to help out.

Police were dressed in battle gear, bulky black ninja turtle outfits - helmets with clear visors, strapped on body armor, shin guards, big boots, batons, and long guns.

Promoting this video and sending it back into the queue for one more try; last queued Tuesday, September 29th, 2009 11:40am PDT - promote requested by schmawy.


Not more than a year and a half ago, the flavor-of-the-week issue on several blogs and sites such as this one, where the majority of people believe the promulgated clap-trap they feel is pertinent to survival of the species, was so-called global warming due primarily to human influence. The effectiveness of the propaganda arm of the control entities on the planet should have been glaringly evident to reasonable people with a modicum of intelligence; a majority of them believed the hype and some still do.

This event in Pittsburgh a few days ago, accomplished one very important task; the staging of a consolidated and successful event designed to examine the effectiveness of military action against large urban areas in the United States. Compared to the April 2000 G7 events in Seattle, it would appear again to any reasonable person who fancies themselves wise or educated, that the enforcement arm of these "leaders" of the contrived machine called the economic system, have fortified and refined their "crowd control" tactics.

Why and how are they able to do this? Simple. People who fancy themselves intelligent and educated are, in actuality, gullible sub-intellects who have been systematically reeducated to believe that there is a way within this contrived mechanism to affect change for the health, welfare, and natural continuation of of society along a reasonable and universally benevolent path. The system is not for the common man. It is for a few common men, and their families, and their personal interests.The G20 represents a schism that infects the planet, and has time and again, this time on a much grander scale.

When strangers inform on strangers-when family informs on family-when reports of abuse of the slightest of violations of statutes of local laws out of one's own self-importance and "duty", clog the defective systems of enforcement-when those paid to enforce these laws turn on the very people they are employed to protect??? What is around the corner is an abrupt, violent restructuring of the entire system.

All we can hope for in societies of thoughtful people concerned for the well-being of the entire planet from this point forward, is that those compelled to act as the enforcement arm of these vile people who make all the money and hoard all the real wealth and truth on the planet, will refuse to follow their orders.


I know its crazy and kinda sick, but I would like to see em when they are all standing there big and smug in their stupid umpire uniforms.

Then some dudes roll up with a catapult and launch a dead cow at them! Splatter!

Then the infantry moves in with pikes and shields. The cavalry roles up from the left flank and a hail of arrows comes down on them from the right flank!

Mean while back in reality some protester is getting his ass beat down behind a wall of dipshits in shinguards.

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