Response to Atheistic Holiday Display

The gold comes at 2:00

interesting.. the last line on the religious person's response is that Atheism enslaves minds.. it's like a pot calling the kettle black.

As an agnostic I find all this to be a violation of separation of church and state. NONE of these should be posted at a govt. facility. We shouldn't have In God We Trust on our coinage and in our anthem either. This country is a melting pot of many cultures and none should be given preference by the govt.

Plain and simple if u ask me.


Yeah, it's not only the last line of the sign. The entire sign is exactly like the atheist sign. I can't fathom how he believes he is less derogatory than the atheist sign. If the atheists are being bigots, then he is being just as much of a bigot.

I'm also very interested on how they could word a law to get rid of the atheist sign. It's surely not "hate speech". I don't see how they can write a law to remove only that sign while respecting the establishment clause.


The great thing about being an atheist is that you don't have to feel ashamed for your religion when some bigot or terrorist does something horrible in the name of your God.

I do wish fellow atheists wouldn't spoil my contentment by putting up dickish signs. If they wanted to make a point about separation of church and state then they could have written that on the sign, but they had to spit in the face of Christians whilst they were practicing a completely innocuous aspect of their religion.

It just makes us all look like angry teenagers. The Christian guy's clumsy counter sign looked poetic in comparison.


If anyone still doubts the power of the conservative media, or frankly media of any ideology, to incite a popular movement of meaningless protests from a parochial non-event, here it is!

On another note, I absolutely love how this whole situation is dripping with delicious irony.

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