Repub Stripped "Pandemic Flu" Funding From Stimulus Bill

Senator Susan Collins of Maine worked to strip money to fight pandemic flu from the stimulus bill in February.

She was proud of her fight, even touted it on her website. (Oh, sorry, that's been mysteriously scrubbed now.)

Well, hindsight is 20/20. And in a way she is right - it will stimulate the economy less than other programs could with that sort of money (and seeing how the Bush administration gleefully threatened to strip european pharma corporations of their fluanthrax vaccination patents, one could hold the republican viewpoint that they can get their science done for free from foreign nations).

On the other hand, scientists have been warning about a potential new flu pandemic for over 10 years now, urging gouvernments to prepare because one will come soon enough, with all those new multi-resistant strains floating around.

Can't blame her entirely, but can't clear her entirely either.


Well she can be blamed. As well as Chuck Schumer, who was boasting about stripping this funding from the stimulus.

The risk of a pandemic in this country could have disastrous effects on our economy, which has been reported time and time again, including in this bill which laid out precisely why this can be seen as a stimulative, or at the very least a risk-aversion to a hard economic hit were this to happen.

I think the Obama team had the foresight here, and the GOP just wanted to pretend they were fiscal hero's so they cut things they thought wouldn't cause a fight.

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