RepRap - A Desktop Factory That Can Make More DT Factories

The stated goal of the RepRap project is to produce a pure self-replicating device not for its own sake but rather to put in the hands of individuals anywhere on the planet, for a minimal outlay of capital, a desktop manufacturing system that would enable the individual to manufacture many of the artifacts used in everyday life.

It cannot build itself only some components of itself.

its not bad for the price but its not relay good enough or practical for now, maby in 10-15 years time the components will be cheaper to allow for more complex 3D printers to be home built. the ability to print using multiple materials would be amazing so you could build electronically devices or complete mecheens.


>> ^westy:
It cannot build itself only some components of itself.
its not bad for the price but its not relay good enough or practical for now, maby in 10-15 years time the components will be cheaper to allow for more complex 3D printers to be home built. the ability to print using multiple materials would be amazing so you could build electronically devices or complete mecheens.

10-15 years? Give these guys some credit, the thing only began to exist 5 years ago, and it's already producing a 60% of its own componenents. In a near-future revision, it will be able to produce it's own boards. At that point a builder would only have to purchase a few readily available parts.


>> ^longde: I wonder how much the supplies (raw plastics that are fed into the machine) cost?

Apparently if you are willing to take delivery of a ton, it's dirt cheap, but at hobbyist levels it does not make much sense unless you are fabbing things which you can't easily buy (like things you invent).

The rep rap research foundation runs an online store, and offers these prices:

ABS Coil (5lb)

CAPA (2kg)

HDPE (5lbs)

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