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Red Dwarf USA Pilot

The ill-fated US pilot of the UK comedy show Red Dwarf. The show followed essentially the same story as the first episode of the original series, substituting American actors.

Starring Jane Leeves (from Frasier) as Holly with Robert Llewellyn reprising his role as Kryten.

Like all US attempts at re-making Brit comedy classics - utter failure...missed the entire point of the story (and its dark sarcasm). I hope they don't do the same thing again with the up-coming film (now I'm off to read the books again to renew my faith in Grant Naylor!)


Yup AWFUL. If it had ever been made it would have killed Red Dwarf for me.

I remember seeing an interview with Doug Naylor a while ago in which he talked about going to Hollywood to try to get backing for the Red Dwarf movie. It was horrible! The suggestions/demands from the studio were just jaw-droppingly stupid! The straw that broke the camel's back was when they asked Doug Naylor if he would replace Craig Charles (Lister) is Hugh Grant and Kochanski could be played by Emma Thompson. He got up and left at that point!

I found the transcript of the Q&A with Doug Naylor where he talks about this:

Question No. 4 - Who's starring in the film if there is one?
The British cast, smeghead!
Five years ago a huge American film company, who are a household name, wanted to make the Red Dwarf movie and were prepared to put the money up so long as I agreed to an all-star American cast. For some insane reason I said, 'No.' I said we had to use the British cast. They said, 'How about a compromise? What about using British movie stars instead?' I laughed and said, 'Like who?' This is true. I swear this is true. They said, 'How about... Hugh Grant? He could be Lister. And what's Emma Thompson doing these days? She could be Kochanski.' I thanked them for their time and ran from the building.

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