RNC protesters breaking stuff and general mayhem


Some footage of the actual damage cause by some protestors. Note, this is a handful of people out of thousands of peaceful protesters, but I thought this video was interesting.

I highly recommend watching or sifting the rest of the videos.

These people are exactly the reason police are raiding houses in St Paul. They don't want people that are equipping themselves to be able to case harm to people and private property.

To all the dumb motherfuckers in this video:

What the fuck do your acts of vandalism do to further your cause? Knocking down newspaper stands owned by people that have nothing to do with anything your protesting? Spray painting a charter bus? Slashing the tires on a car?

Grow the fuck up and get a job.


um.. pre-emptive raids can never be excused unless they are stopping a crime from being committed. Clearly none of these crimes were planned and anything more than mob mentality idiots.

These actions took place days AFTER the pre-emptive raids. One could argue their behavior was a direct result of illegal raids on journalist that took place the weekend before.


These anarchists are absolutely retarded, but they are being used as an excuse to raid the houses of law abiding citizens, and that is unconstitutional.

The government is always looking for an excuse to expand it power--be it a natural disaster, terrorism, vandalism, health problems, economic problems, societal problems, etc.


Just once I'd like to see protesters be more surgical with their strikes. Like the US war machine. Look at how efficient our weapons can be when necessary. Then look at some dumb white kids knocking over newspaper stands.

You want change? Don't knock over a Wall Street Journal stand; blow up Wall Street. Not that I'm advocating that, of course. But if your goal is radical social change and expulsion of capitalism, don't be so 1st grade about it. Pull a Fight Club scenario. Project Mayhem and all that good stuff.


Ah yes, the old 'we're protesting against an abusive fascist government and police brutality by breaking shit.' They don't give a fuck about the protest, it's just an excuse to act like a self righteous asshole. I have a cause, I'm the righteous man therefore I have license to do whatever I want, fuck that. GW and CO. think they're righteous so they skirt the constitution and invade a country that has nothing to do with the terrorists they're supposedly fighting. Al Qaeda thinks they're righteous so they run some planes into buildings and kill thousands of people. The Georgians think they're righteous, the Russians think they're righteous, the Israelis, the Palestinians, so on and so on.

Hey maybe the business owners should get to feeling righteous and go where the protesters live and start breaking all their shit or better yet go to their mothers' homes and do that, that'll learn 'em, oh wait rinse wash repeat.

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