QI - Edgar Alan Poe & Alan Smithee

Famous Alans.

Humpty Dumpty's American History X

Edward Norton knows how good looking he is and so decided to overpower director Tony Kaye's American History X film, making his own edited cut. This infuriated Kaye, who then demanded that his name be removed from the credits and replaced with Alan Smithee. However, the DGA and the studio refused his request, and also his subsequent request of using the name Humpty Dumpty. Why the refusal? Kaye had publicly attacked the film in national publications, which is against the Alan Smithee policy of the DGA. Imagine Humpty Dumpty's Great Fall remaining unattributed!

Source: http://www.miamipoetryreview.com/2008/04/urban_legends_of_cinema_2_the.html

I guess you couldn't have predicted it, but I think you'd eventually regret disowning IMDb's 39th top film of all time.

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