President Obama & Bill Nye Talk Earth Day in the Everglades

YouTube: As you know, President Obama celebrated Earth Day this week by visiting the Florida Everglades where he spoke about the threat that climate change poses to our economy and to the world, in the latest part of his effort to call attention to act on the threat of climate change. The President also announced how we're investing millions in new funding to protect our parks, as well as new actions the Department of Agriculture will take in partnership with farmers, ranchers and forest land owners to reduce net greenhouse gas emissions. While in Florida the President sat down with Bill Nye the Science Guy in the Everglades to discuss climate change, conservation, and science education in America

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Right, it was 70 degrees in December here in Georgia last year..

..and you're gonna continue to deny global climate change..

This is why no conservative can be taken seriously.

There's no climate change.
There's no Racism.
There's no Sexism.
There's no Bigotry.

Just Jesus, Rainbows & Unicorns.


Bill Nye, the bloviating low-information "climate guy" not taken seriously by any meteorologist.


If that's your "evidence," I think you have a grave misunderstanding about how the science of meteorology works.


Right, it was 70 degrees in December here in Georgia last year..

..and you're gonna continue to deny global climate change..

This is why no conservative can be taken seriously.

There's no climate change.
There's no Racism.
There's no Sexism.
There's no Bigotry.

Just Jesus, Rainbows & Unicorns.



He's not taken seriously by one guy who's a student and tv intern and one other meteorologist. It's hardly "by any meteorologist", but hey, 2 people is absolutely a representative sample for the climate denying brigade.

Most meteorologists agree with Bill Nye

Regardless of the cause, do you think that global warming is happening?
Yes 89%
No 4%
Don't Know 7%

How sure are you that global warming is happening?
[Asked if answer to Question 1 is “Yes”]
Extremely sure 46%
Very sure 37%
Somewhat sure 16%
Not at all sure 1

But it's funny to watch climate deniers desperately try to paint meteorologists as being on their side.


Bill Nye, the bloviating low-information "climate guy" not taken seriously by any meteorologist.


Firstly, it's the same logic FoxNews uses so why can't I?

" Looks it's snowing. Global-warming, my ass!"

Secondly, weeks of unseasonal whether ARE evidence of a Change in Climate.

Combine this with the fact that..

More than 45% of the Arctic Ice Cap has melted away since the 80s..

And it's clear that the rapidly industrializing Eastern world has vastly accelerated Anthropogenic Climate Change and Global Warming.

Why can't conservative accept facts?


If that's your "evidence," I think you have a grave misunderstanding about how the science of meteorology works.


If anyone is "desperate," it's clearly the climate change alarmists, because no one's really doing anything that has any real impact on the supposed warming.

So knock yourself out getting all riled up about it. Good luck with that...

(I am, however, rather amused with your cranky tantrums and tirades...Haha, what's a "climate denier" anyway?"There's no climate, ok?" "Yes there is, you denier!")



He's not taken seriously by one guy who's a student and tv intern and one other meteorologist. It's hardly "by any meteorologist", but hey, 2 people is absolutely a representative sample for the climate denying brigade.

Most meteorologists agree with Bill Nye


A "climate denier" is shorthand for "morons who refuse to acknowledge the scientific reality of man-made climate change either through blind ideological stupidity or because they are sucking oil company cock".

But I'll grant you that it really should have been "climate change denier". I'm sure at this point you will now decide that my one typo invalidates literally millions of man-hours of climate research.

You're right about one thing, we are getting desperate. Everyone should be, because we are fucking ourselves over.


If anyone is "desperate," it's clearly the climate change alarmists, because no one's really doing anything that has any real impact on the supposed warming.

So knock yourself out getting all riled up about it. Good luck with that...

(I am, however, rather amused with your cranky tantrums and tirades...Haha, what's a "climate denier" anyway?"There's no climate, ok?" "Yes there is, you denier!")


Thanks for your "very scientific" definition (just like GenjiKilpatrick's "evidence" for global warming, saying "OMG, Global Warming is real because it was 70 degrees in Georgia!")

No, unlike you, I don't confuse partisanship with data... Nor do I look for arbitrary reasons to discount a person's entire argument because the rules of epistemology suddenly no longer apply. On the contrary, I choose to instead examine what the data actually shows before arriving at my own changing thoughts on the matter.

But I guess, for you, the data isn't as important as the source, so long as your pre-cooked distortions of reality aren't disrupted by something as pesky and difficult to conform to one's beliefs as the FACTS... (remember those?)

But, yes, you are absolutely right about fucking yourselves. Perhaps you should spend less time online and save some electricity. (Or maybe it's too much for you to actually Walk The Talk instead of just bloviating online.)

I went to a gas station recently. Lots of people were pumping gas... And none of them seemed to care very much about your ideas of oil company fellatio. They also didn't seem concerned at all about crackpot climate change "theories"... (Go figure.) You should get out there and yell at them for ruining the planet, ChaosEngine. I was also at an airport recently, too. There were lots of planes burning fuel. You're not making a single dent on oil consumption with your tirades... Perhaps you should try another strategy and see if anyone cares.

(Haha.. Of all the fictional "crises" you could choose to be an alarmist about, you've chosen one on which you have zero impact! But, hey, for all I know, you're just addicted to the adrenaline rush of faux outrage. Lucky for you, I'm here to feed it...


A "climate denier" is shorthand for "morons who refuse to acknowledge the scientific reality of man-made climate change either through blind ideological stupidity or because they are sucking oil company cock".

But I'll grant you that it really should have been "climate change denier". I'm sure at this point you will now decide that my one typo invalidates literally millions of man-hours of climate research.

You're right about one thing, we are getting desperate. Everyone should be, because we are fucking ourselves over.

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