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Penn & Teller: Bullshit! "Being Green" Pt.3

One of the best P&T episodes to come out in a long, long time. Brilliant. Take that hippies!

"Being Green is from the July 24, 2008, episode of Penn & Teller's show, Bullshit! Debunks carbon credits, environmental extremists, Al "Prophet" Gore, and more. A must watch for anyone who wants to understand the global warming propaganda machine."

Part I:

Part II:

^I don't read about anthropogenic global warming, so I can't say much about it. I've done limited research online, and what I've found leads me to think it is inconclusive.

However, one of my friend is nuts about it and is non-stop reading books on it, and hes not convinced. I know he has read Climate Confusion, The Deniers, Al Gore: a users manual, The End of Oil, Cool It, Global Warming: a short introduction, and An Inconvenient Truth. So If he has doubts--I trust there is something to it considering he is well read on the subject.

Or did you mean the part about 6 billion people? Perhaps I should have specified its impossible to live an "American lifestyle" as thats really what I meant. Currently more than 3 billion people live on less than $2.50 a day (50% of the world) and 80% on less than $5.15 a day. To live an American lifestyle, we would have to increase the incomes of over 4800 million people by over 1600%. Thats 4800 million more cars on the road. 4800 million more 2000 sqft houses. 4800 million people with 2.5 kids all living an average of 25 years longer. The average american throws away 4.5 lbs of trash a day. At only 300 million, Americans generate 40% of the world's waste. 4800 million people living an American lifestyle would generate 21,600 million pounds of waste per day, or 7,884,000 million pounds of waste a year.


Great stuff, I recommend watching all three. It almost made me feel guilty for trying to be the tiny bit green I try to be. But hey, global warming or no, if it helps get rid of the nasty smog line we have around here every morning, I'm all for it.


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