Paranoia one-take film

YT: Shot on 35mm at Savannah Amtrak station with Graduate Cinematography at The Savannah College of Art and Design in 2006.

/This is a class project from my alma mater with one of the guidance of the greatest of his kind, Professor Bear Brown. This is pretty impressive, all in one shot, done in collaboration with the Dolly class. I always called Film/TV production the "pain in the ass" major because it takes so many folks to create one project. Creating something like this takes a lot of work, people, and time, but when you pull it off, it is pretty remarkable!!
articianjokingly says...

The message here is: don't be a mustache-douche, and people won't fuck with you at the trainstation. Deep-down inside this guy knows, and even still his subconscious manufactures these social obstacles.
Mustaches: They're just not worth it.

WeedandWeirdnessjokingly says...

Hahahaha!! Mustache-douche?!? Oh geezus, I am dying over here!! I can see if I could re- purpose the footage for a Don't be a Mustache-Douche PSA. You have already given me one hell of a tagline. Now every time I see a gent with a stache, I will hear your words in Sam Watersons voice saying, "Mustaches: They're just not worth it."


The message here is: don't be a mustache-douche, and people won't fuck with you at the trainstation. Deep-down inside this guy knows, and even still his subconscious :manufactures these social obstacles.
Mustaches: They're just not worth it.


I really like the ending.

Perhaps someone could clear up my ignorance, but what is so hard to pull this 2 min scene off in a single take? Is it because people have to scoot around the back of the camera and re-appear in character?

Also does 35mm refer to the size of the pixels in the video? Quality really lets it down, which seems strange they'd talk about the difficulty of producing it but not bother to spend more than 10 minutes uploading the video.


@dannym3141 Yes, it does have a lot to do with people having to scoot around the back of the camera. It can take a bit of time to choreograph all the actor blocking and camera movements. In this piece there was no dialogue or field sound captured, so it wasn't as difficult as some of the projects I remember crewing on when I was in school a hundred years ago.

Hahaha, it does kinda look like it is 35 pixels, sorry about the poor quality of the image. I found this on Youtube, and I think the transfer from film to video might not have been of the highest quality. Not sure though. I added the bit about the difficulty a single-shot like this is to get in the can.


I really like the ending.

Perhaps someone could clear up my ignorance, but what is so hard to pull this 2 min scene off in a single take? Is it because people have to scoot around the back of the camera and re-appear in character?

Also does 35mm refer to the size of the pixels in the video? Quality really lets it down, which seems strange they'd talk about the difficulty of producing it but not bother to spend more than 10 minutes uploading the video.


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