Oops: Priest Shows Gay Porn In Presentation -- TYT

YouTube Description:

Via Gizmodo: "Father Martin McVeigh was giving a talk to 26 parents and one 8-year-old kid when computer disaster struck. He connected his USB drive into a PC to start his Powerpoint presentation and, instead of the word of God, a hardcore gay porn slideshow started—thanks to Windows' autoplay...". Ana Kasparian, Cenk Uygur, and Ben Mankiewicz discuss on The Young Turks.

If it were straight porn, he'd have gotten into a bit of trouble with "Oh, that naughty priest!" titters, but since it's gay porn, in their tiny bigoted minds it's "It's only 1 step from gay to kiddy porn! Investigation!"


Equality Channel Description:

A channel for videos relating to racism, bigotry, discrimination, segregation / integration, sexism, ageism, tyranny, civil rights and all struggles for equality.
Political and economic oppression videos also have a home here.

@burdturgler I believe that the struggle for equality includes equal rights for gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual people. As @EvilDeathBee pointed out this is only a national story because of the gayness of the porn involved.


>> ^Boise_Lib:

... I believe that the struggle for equality includes equal rights for gay/lesbian/transgendered/bisexual people.

I'm sure you must already know that I share that sentiment. The equality channel has over 300 sifts relating to the topic. Some of which I submitted or promoted myself.

>> ^Boise_Lib:

... As @EvilDeathBee pointed out this is only a national story because of the gayness of the porn involved.

Sorry, I just don't agree. IMO it's a story because it was a priest with gay porn. Not just because the porn itself had gay content. Granted, the fact that the porn was gay in nature is a part of it, but not everything *gay is also *equality.

If the issue is that the priest was investigated, well, it was the Archdiocese of the church that called the police and handed over the USB drive. Considering all the sexual abuse scandals the church has had over the years, what would be the public outcry if they didn't have it investigated? "Priest shows gay porn to children, Church does nothing."

Back on topic .. Displaying gay porn, accidentally or not, to a group of unsuspecting parents and a child is not an equal rights issue.

The priest has not identified himself as being gay.
I don't see anything in this video relating to equal rights for gay people.


wow foiled by windows autoplay.
but assuming it was on purpose? eh... its just giving too much twist. no, i feel bad for them but hopefully they can still preach if they want.
but still what a boner.


I feel the fact that he was 'investigated' just for having legal gay porn because he was a priest helps make this an equality issue. If a scientist or a doctor makes the same gaff, they don't get investigated. Priests and teachers are suddenly assumed to be predators because they engage in something that pretty much everybody engages in. Even if it was straight porn this would happen.

How is that not an equality issue? Even putting aside the gay rights issue.

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