Mushimesa Futari is apparently the hardest game ever. A Japan-only arcade game, the person had to retry at least 4 times. And that's just the final boss.

Ah, the essence of profits: getting idiot gamers to keep pumping more tokens/quarters into that damn machine.

When Gauntlet was featured at the local arcade, when I was maybe 15, I must of blown $10 on that stupid thing. The owner of the place was overjoyed.


Maybe it's just me, but I thought that Imperishable Night was a LOT harder. I already tried sifting it once, but it died. That was three months ago, and perhaps now that we have a Video Game collective, it may be appreciated more. However, if anyone objects, I'll happily discard it.
It can be found here.


that looks like a typical level in rRootage. In fact... many of the bullet-waves look like they were generated by the same BulletML library.

The hardest is still the Ikaruga-style modes, though... rRootage is hard enough normally, but when you have to constantly flip white/black to avoid some of the shots, as you cannot dodge half of them... it warps the mind...

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