Obama press conference concerning Rev. Wright (4/29)


While I find Wright a bit nutty, I have not heard anything he has said, that when taken in context, should give offense.

While I see that Obama would be annoyed that Wright said he was playing politics, I have to admit that I thought the same thing.

What's with the public pissing match between these two?

Does Obama really believe that the US is so chronically racist that it can't see that Wright isn't even as crazy as most of the white preachers who have political connections?


Does Obama really believe that the US is so chronically racist that it can't see that Wright isn't even as crazy as most of the white preachers who have political connections?

Um... yeah, because the unwashed masses ARE.

They really do think that, and see anything that the preacher says as merely confirmation of their racist beliefs and fears that the 'blacks' are comin' to get them all for past crimes


I watched Rev. Wright on CSPAN yesterday. He passionately fought to answer nearly every leading question in the most selfishly defensive way possible. It was truly a spectacle.

It was odd because he would note how the media takes sound-bites and cuts and edits his words, then in the very next question he'd provide a long answer that could ONLY be cut down to 'Wright believe HIV may have been a Government conspiracy'. Over and over and over again he'd do the same thing, present a long answer to a leading question that could very clearly only be summarized as 'Yes, Rev. Wright is basically trying to bring down Obama's campaign, or he's just an unreasonably selfish person'.

And the only reasonable explanation is that he literally feels like this is about him and about people attacking his character and the character of people like him, when in fact its just an extra bullshit hoop that a candidate (especially a black candidate) would have jump through.


I don't see why the American media finds it necessary to cling to such petty things totally unrelated to actual policy, as if it is the most important thing ever in influencing the American public's decision. Obama was essentially forced into denouncing Wright by the major media networks because they covered the issue in such unnecessary depth and in a 'reading-into-subtexts-that-aren't-there' manner.

Granted the American public is pretty stupid, but stooping down to that level themselves to "communicate" just makes media outlets even stupider. This kind of reporting is no better than the tripe I see in the checkout stand at the supermarket, and that paper isn't fit to wipe my ass.

Are we all adults here? Can we let this go? Can we try and get the country back into some decent form of leadership instead of the shithole we've become in the span of 8 years?


Even Obama doesn't agree with what Rev Wright says.

I just don't understand how Obama couldn't have heard these things before from his long time preacher. Obama must not be the Christian he pretends to be if he never goes to church.

>> ^dgandhi:
While I find Wright a bit nutty, I have not heard anything he has said, that when taken in context, should give offense.
While I see that Obama would be annoyed that Wright said he was playing politics, I have to admit that I thought the same thing.
What's with the public pissing match between these two?
Does Obama really believe that the US is so chronically racist that it can't see that Wright isn't even as crazy as most of the white preachers who have political connections?

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