Obama Rejected Concession To Write Down Mortgages -- TYT

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"Here's Barney Frank, in an exit interview recently in New York Magazine, revealing unwittingly that Obama during the transition rejected a Bush administration concession to write down mortgages...". The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks it down.
Read more from Matt Stoller at Naked Capitalism:

>> ^Edgeman2112:

So instead of trying to find out "WHY," you just go on some rant. I'm done with you.

When you are done with your extensive research please inform me of the White House's internal strategies and the President's personal motivations.


Give it up. Obama is a just another crook.

Thousands of people have had their homes foreclosed on. Had their lives ruined based on that choice.

And you're going to suggest that Obama had some valid reason for refusing to help the people that need help the most?!

The very people he explicitly campaigned to help?

Are you deluding yourself cause it's fun?
Or cause you're too upset/depressed to acknowledge the truth?

>> ^Edgeman2112:

So instead of trying to find out "WHY," you just go on some rant. I'm done with you.


FTW>> ^GenjiKilpatrick:

Give it up. Obama is a just another crook.
Thousands of people have had their homes foreclosed on. Had their lives ruined based on that choice.
And you're going to suggest that Obama had some valid reason for refusing to help the people that need help the most?!
The very people he explicitly campaigned to help?

Are you deluding yourself cause it's fun?
Or cause you're too upset/depressed to acknowledge the truth?
>> ^Edgeman2112:
So instead of trying to find out "WHY," you just go on some rant. I'm done with you.

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