Obama: Reagan Changed Direction; Bill Clinton Didn't

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Video by James Ball
Reno Gazette-Journal/RGJ.com
( http://news.rgj.com/ )
Barack Obama dicusses Ronald Reagan and Bill Clinton with the Reno Gazette-Journal editorial board, January 14, 2008

This was a mistake on Obama's part.

Let's admit that the commentary is there because the Clinton campaign is viciously attacking Obama's crediantials. Obama rightfully wants to stay above it, but instead of looking with a critical eye over Clinton era (white house scandals, unlawful bombing of Yugoslavia, etc) mistakes he somehow pulls this comparison with Regean, which I think was silly given that Regean era policies will divid supporters of Obamas side given Regean policies (iran, contra, economic problems, afghanistan, anti-AIDS).

I think Bill Clinton is acting totally below par for a ex-president however in acting as a voce for his wifes campaign attacking the other leading democratic candidate.


i think he just wanted to toss it out there, quietly-ish, and see what happened.

i sifted it, despite not thinking this was a good idea on Obama's part, because right now he's my #3 choice (after the unlikely-wonder-twins of Kucinich and Paul), and i wanna' keep an eye on him.


I agree that Reagan changed things more than Clinton, BUT THEY WEREN'T THE KIND OF CHANGES ANYONE SHOULD BE PROUD OF. Reagan basically created all of the financial and foreign policy problems we face today.

Mass murder in Nicaraqua and South America in general; The empowerment of Osama bin Laden and the Taliban; The gutting of education and environmental protection; Saving and Loan Fraud........ the list goes on.

Bush is Reagan 2(Electric Boogaloo), but without the acting chops.

I don't know what Obama is doing here. Is this code? A political gesture? An honest statement?

Good catch m15m.


Hillary will win or the other guy with hair, Mitt...it's all about who has the most hair for most people-you'd all like to think you actually have some sort of choice in the "direction" (whatever floats yer semantic boat) the country is going to go now that Booosh is gone. Truth is, the outcomes' been bought and paid for, and all the verbal hoopla amounts to dick. There will be only 2 candidates at the finish line, and they will both be pathetic contestants, as it relates to change or progress......business as usual, until the fall.

Kucinich????!!! Jesus H. Christ with a decaled walker, myfifteenminutes!!?? Can you not see the mark of the flake, stamped acrost his fo'haid??

up vote for my comment!


funny you should say that, minky!

the 3rd clip i'm sifting tonight, i've been itchin' since yesterday's posting of it, to toss up here.

and it has your name written all over it.

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