Obama Campaign Manager reviews Battleground States - Sept 17

"Barack's campaign manager David Plouffe presents a slideshow on the state of the race and the resources needed to win battleground states. Please make a donation at www.barackobama.com/strategy"

Ahh.. a message from Bilderberg attendee David Plouffe. It was rumoured that the Bilderbergers helped him to decide who Obama's VP was going to be when he attended the Bilderberg convention that was held conveniently in Washington, DC this year.

Funny.. you probably didn't even know he attended that secret meeting did you? Condi and a cast of many others were there. It's unfortunate that they are under oath to not reveal the minutes of such an important bipartisan, multi-international business-head and international leader meeting.

In fact.. it was even prohibited of being discussed on the news stations as usual. It was only reported in a few small papers and blogs with protestor coverage listed on youtube.

Think about it.. if a total media blackout can occur each year (with praise from Rockefeller *(see below) for such blackouts) on such an ominously important meeting of world leaders and business heads then what's to make you believe the media and the two remaining campaigns for president is being honest with us. In fact.. knowing this.... how can you be proud of either candidate?

“… it would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is now more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government …”
- David Rockefeller in Baden-Baden, Germany 1991, thanking major media for keeping secret for decades the movement of the prophetic one world government.


It's easy to be cynical... it's very hard not to... your solution is what?... assume they are both lying and not vote?

Believe me I don't disagree that there is the very real potential for both candidates being completely full of it... But I don't see any reason to invent distrust when so much exists already unless you can be more specific.


^ So you think that attending secretive meetings with high profile world leaders, corporate heads and media moguls all the while a media blackout occurs is trivial? It's this kind of thinking that will lead to the destruction of our freedom and the disintegration of our constitution. Our founders warned us that we need to be vigilant against this exact type of secrecy within our government.


No not at all... in fact i think i specifically said that...

What is your solution?... as it seems to be that neither candidate is worth trusting by virtue of one of their subordinates attending this meeting, if i'm understanding you correctly.


This convoluted problem cannot be solved so easily and I (by myself) cannot provide to you the immediate solution. Dare I say that we would need a network of "think tanks" to solve such an issue. I do know however that the real "solution" is not a pretty one. There are in fact safeguards put in place by the establishment to prevent the true solution from becoming a reality. This is a big problem for the American people.

One of the biggest parts of this problem is that most people are completely unaware that it exists to this degree. Many that do know even deny it's existence or downplay the severity of it. Ultimately... I'm afraid that it may be unsolvable by the American people. It may very well be "solved" for us by way of manipulation of the public to the point that discarding the US Constitution in favor of a One World Government becomes accepted.

I've already spoken to people that welcome such a "Change" and those same people refuse to discuss the potential risks of these "Changes" that for some reason or another has given them the false feeling of a coming world unity and peace. One person in particular that I spoke with on this told me (at the time) that she was voting for Hillary Clinton on the sole virtue of her being a woman.

I was quite shocked at the level of ignorance of this person and the utter contempt she had for discussing the problem with making a decision on gender alone. This is but one example of the level of sheer ignorance we are facing and is symptomatic of the ease of psycho-manipulation that the media preys upon (which was once a safeguard, has now become a part of the disease).

As I've stated the problem is so convoluted that we may have no choice but to sit back and hope for the best. The problem with this "solution" is that it may just end up being our ultimate demise given the amount of people that will gladly sell us out for a small piece of the pie.

I don't know what else to say... all I seem to be able to do is try to make people aware of the real reason as to why many things are happening the way they are. Many loyalists will be quick to call me crazy. This is a typical knee-jerk response from them. I am just an average man. I have my wits about me. I am an information junkie though. From my observations these are my conclusions.. take them or leave them (those of you reading this). I'm tired of trying to convince people with evidence that is quickly discarded in favor of loyalist lemmingistic decrees.

signing off...Constitutional Patriot.

P.S.: Good luck to you all.


There's been a lot of teeth gnashing over why Obama is still bothering to keep a presence in Florida. He's spent tens of millions there so far, to McCain's $0, and it hasn't done much for him in the polls. After seeing this, I get what they're after.

I also agree that a good ground game is essential, and is likely the best strategy. I know in Ohio, they're now allowing people to register at the polls on election day, as well as opening up early voting both via absentee ballots, as well as in person at the election offices downtown.

Both of those things, when present in the primaries, always gave Obama a big bump vs. the polling numbers. If he goes into Nov 4th leading in the polls in Ohio, I'd bet he sews it up nice and tight, and that's a huge step towards getting him elected.

But what do I know, I'm just a loyalist lemming.


I don't know... honestly 6 months ago i was actually a little excited about this election... I've never been overly political... this one just seemed important and despite my vote not counting for much... i was looking forward to it... Thats completely gone now... i'm so apathetic about the whole process I'm not even sure why it matters... Very disheartening...


heh, I like Obama as much as the next guy but I got a chuckle as this guy kinda muttered the "pakistan".."taking the fight to the real terrorists in afghanistan *muffled* and Pakistan"

oh well, doesn't really matter States is already bombing Pakistan, guess Plouffe understands the mess the Dems are about to inherit.

"ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — A U.S. missile strike Wednesday in Pakistan further inflamed relations between the two anti-terrorism allies, just hours after the American military chief vowed to "respect Pakistan's sovereignty."

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