Newt Gingrich's Libya Positions, Then and Now


"Amateur opportunism." Real Pro opportunists don't wait for an actual incident to take advantage of, they falsify intelligence and call anyone who questions them anti-American as justification for invading and occupying a country for 8 years.


We really shouldn't call them Republicans anymore, because they're just Anti-Democrats now. They take the opposite position of whatever the Dems do.

I've said it before and I'll say it again. If one political party was somehow responsible for curing cancer, the other party would immediately start a campaign that cancer was good.

The problem though is that it doesn't matter how much you point out the hypocrisy of these people. We're talking about Fox News here. You don't go to Fox News for go there to drink the Kool-Aide. If you're watching Fox News, you don't care about facts and logic, so any evidence of hypocrisy is going to be dismissed and spun away. They're just going to tell you what you want to hear and perpetuate the echo chamber.

I think it's hilariously ironic about how they're trying to paint him as a Bush-style interventionalist cowboy.


>> ^VoodooV:

If one political party was somehow responsible for curing cancer, the other party would immediately start a campaign that cancer was good.

That's pretty much only a description that applies to Republicans. Democrats praise past Republican successes all the time, often to a fault.

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