Newsflash - leftists run television

Other shocking news stories: Water is wet. The sun is hot.

yep, the left took over comedies (adult anyway, sitcoms majoritywise are pretty conservative, ie not hard to find them)

the right took over news

hmmmmmmm... and propoganda relates more to what? news or comedies?

this seems so very "Ignore the man behind the curtain" to me


For 40 years the Big 3 networks were all left-wing. Cable news was created by socialist Ted Turner. Now that the rest of the lamestream media has abandoned all pretense of objectivity and shills for the DNC and Obama White House, people began tuning out. FOX earned its viewership.

>> ^packo:

yep, the left took over comedies (adult anyway, sitcoms majoritywise are pretty conservative, ie not hard to find them)
the right took over news
hmmmmmmm... and propoganda relates more to what? news or comedies?
this seems so very "Ignore the man behind the curtain" to me


Anyone who uses the 'word' lamestream is almost certainly a brain dead Palin dog.
The media is owned by the RIGHT not the left. Since it is dependent on CORPORATE ADVERTISING DOLLARS. Any institution owned by Corporations will resemble the REPUBLICANS, ie. RIGHT LEANING Corporate interests, NOT Social or Humanitarian or even moral goals (LEFT).


It's certainly true that most filmmakers, authors, musicians, performers and artists in general are liberal. I think it would be a good thing if conservatives exposed themselves more to the arts, not because I care about hearing a conservative perspective, but rather because I believe that the creative experience would make them more liberal.

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