MythBusters' Clay Dimple Car (French Dubbed)

"Look at the car that Adam and Jamie covered in clay and carved dimples out of for aerodynamics!"

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The gas mileage improved 11% from the un-dimpled car. However, Adam prefaced that result by admitting that the car almost definitely used more gas to get to the speed they were testing it at (65 mph/104.6 kph).


>> ^DarkMatter:
The gas mileage improved 11% from the un-dimpled car. However, Adam prefaced that result by admitting that the car almost definitely used more gas to get to the speed they were testing it at (65 mph/104.6 kph).

But only because the clay was >800 pounds. If the dimples were part of the car's body the car would legitimately get 11% better mpg - that's the way I heard it.

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