My Back's Achin' My Bras Too Tight

Almost makes having PMT look like fun.

Sooooo... I went to the wiki for PMS and it mentioned it's being used as a criminal defense in Britain in the 80s, which lead me too this.

There's a number of related sources including this one for the Australian courts. That html link may fail, so if it does, here is the original PDF.


It's no fun and I sometimes think I gain a glimpse of the capacity to kill, when I've had a particularly rough premenstrual moment. If I am already stressed, or sleep-deprived when it comes and if something happens which acts as a last-straw kind of catalyst, all calm and rationality disappears and I can become a weepy/hysterical monster.

Vitex (agnus castus) has become my herbal helper over the last 10 years. It's really helped regulate and ease the last part of the cycle. I know I'm not looking after myself well enough, dietary and stress-wise, if I have a bad time, now.

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