More RNC pre-emptive police raids and detaining journalists

Pre-emptive raid on a New York based video documentary collective I-Witness Video by FBI and St Paul police.

Massive Violation and perversion of the law.

I would see any one associated with this fired, disbarred, disrobed, and placed under arrest.

This is egregious.

The warrant did not allow them to enter the second house, they broke the door down.

1. Breaking and entering.
2. Brandishing a weapon.
3. Assault. - on all of the people they detained. (separate charges)
4. False Imprisonment. - on all of the people they detained.(separate charges)
5. Violation of the bill of rights. - on all of the people they detained.(separate charges)

All in all it amounts to about 70 years in the slammer, and many dollars of damages.


I'd like to see the formation of a volunteer citizens militia. You call a hotline set up by private donations which disseminates text messages to registered citizens, and they show up with automatic weapons, a lawyer, a copy of the constitution, and a videocamera to ensure that human/constitutional rights are not violated.

Maybe at some time in the past this role was filled by the police force, but that time has come to an end.


Thanks for the link joe. For anybody who hasn't read it, it says, in no uncertain terms that the intent to publicly assemble with intent to obstruct is a crime, which will result in the forfeit of all your property (even you xbox) before you are charged.

The right to assemble without the right to obstruct is both impossible, as enough people anywhere are an obstruction, and useless, as peaceful obstruction is what the right to assemble is for.

The excuse they make to themselves seems to be that the RNC is a "National Security Special Event", which is tantamount to the government saying "We suspend your rights because we decided to".

Thanks waronterror!


I like that they remained calm, spoke with lawyers, etc.. Its very interesting that these police raids so clearly came down from orders on-high,... possibly from Republicans???

If only they were wearing business clothes, or even business casual, I think the images of professionals being detained would actually be more contrasting, more serious, and more appropriate.

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