
A very well done poem with musical and video accompaniment. Highly recommended.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'moments, poetry, love, romance, beauty' to 'moments, poetry, love, romance, beauty, enoch' - edited by rasch187


Tags for this video have been changed from 'moments, poetry, love, romance, beauty, enoch' to 'moments, poetry, love, romance, beauty, enoch, mazzy star, into dust' - edited by enoch


It's a beautiful poem and it's really wonderfully presented.

The music and the imagery make it an event in its own right.

Can't wait to see your next, poet.


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though it may seem self-serving i would love for miss julie (playingwithfire) to know how much i appreciate her talented efforts in bringing my work to life.
let her know what you think.
encouragement is good for the soul.


Miss Julie, you do fine work!

I think this is the second poem of Enoch's that you put to the screen, and they were both excellent!

Encore! Encore!


Thanks Rougy : )
Ive actually done around 5 of his poems, some better than others lol. This one and "confessions of a poet" are the only two we were fortunate enough to get on the sift. And the two best. I truly love bringing life to his words, there will be more but they keep getting harder and harder. Thanks again to you and everyone here for their encouraging words, and to the poets heart they spill out of and never cease to amaze me.

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