Mike Huckabee: God Wants Me to be President

This is why Huckabee scares me. Otherwise I think he's a great person and candidate.

That is about the complete opposite of the JFK video: http://politics.videosift.com/video/JFK-on-Seperation-of-Church-and-State

He said it's wrong for someone to NOT be elected based on religion and thats Huckabee's whole campaign, god leads his decisions not common sense....just like our current screw up of a president!

I have a three year old that believes in Santa and the Tooth Fairy....might be the next president (as long as she doesnt grow up)


What I don't get about the whole religion thing is, God takes all the credit when things go great but none of the blame when it goes pear-shaped? What up with THAT, dog- I mean, God.

I always wonder what all the strongly religious Americans have to say about the fact -- yes, I said, fact -- that America was founded as a *secular* nation (not atheistic or agnostic, but secular); "In God We Trust" could have been put on our national currency in America's infancy, but wasn't. "One Nation Under God" could have been originally written into the Pledge, but wasn't. What does that tell you about how much religion has come into vogue in America?

Upvote simply to raise awareness about Huckabee.


Heh. The Bible does say that God raises up nations (and their leaders), but if you pay attention, that's not always because God approves of that nation or leader. He also regularly tears them down. It's not necessarily a compliment or an endorsement.

Also, in the words of the late Rich Mullins, "God spoke to Balaam through his ass. I believe God still speaks through asses today. So if God should choose to speak through you, you needn't think too highly of yourself."

Take note, Mr. Huckabee! Oh, and it might not hurt for him to check a little more carefully on Christ's particular teachings... (See http://www.videosift.com/video/An-Unwelcome-Endorsement for more on this)

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