McCain's Defense of Preemptive War Against Iraq

Key excerpts from John McCain's Senate floor speech on Iraq war (Delivered October 10, 2002) .

Send in a special forces to infiltrate the palace(s) after a bunker buster or two-
Take out every dictator on the planet first. Leave the Nations intact.
Send same forces to the Largest corporations on the planet, take out the dictators.
Launch captured assholes in catapults, on National Television.
Party Naked.
Vote Ben Franklin's exhumed bones for President.

Iran conducted a test launch Tuesday night of the Shihab-3 intermediate-range ballistic missile, which is capable of reaching Israel and US targets in the region, Israel Radio reported. The test came hours before Prime Minister Ehud Olmert met with US President George W Bush in Washington to discuss the Iranian threat.

Military officials said it was not clear if this most recent test indicated an advance in the capabilities of the Shihab 3. They said the test was likely timed to coincide with the Washington summit and with comments made by Hizbullah leader Hassan Nasrallah during celebrations in Beirut marking the 6th anniversary of Israel's withdrawal from southern Lebanon.

The Arrow missile, he said, could intercept and destroy any Iranian missile fired at Israel, including ones carrying non-conventional warheads. Experts believe that if Iran is attacked by Israel or the US, Teheran would respond by firing long-range ballistic missiles at Israel.-AP Jerusalem Post

-Hizbullah is rearming quickly, Syria feeds the hate-Iran has an insane idiot-stick for a leader, a passionate delusional with missiles-Where is the valley of Megiddo again???....Why won't these motherfuckers simply die??....I am talking about the folks who manufacture and sell them the shit as well(and their families)....some French, some Germans, some sick rich cocksuckers from all nations need killing.....


Yeah, we've all seen this before.

The extreme warmonger lies our country into an immoral war of choice, which sets the middle east on fire, pisses off everyone around the planet, rapes our treasury, enriches his corporate buddies, and in the process shreds our constitution and forces over 1million Iraqi children, exiled, thrown into the disgusting underground industry of child-prostitution.

Oh yeah, and we've killed a few hundred thousand innocent people in the process.

All built on a pack of lies.

We've all seen this before.

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