McCain: I’m glad I deregulated Wall Street.

John McCain on 60 Minutes, 9/21/08.

Scott Pelley: In 1999, you were one of the senators who helped pass deregulation of Wall Street. Do you regret that now?

John McCain: No, I think the deregulation was probably helpful to the growth of our economy. (From YouTube)

Growth in the sense of it grew well beyond the means to support its self. Unchecked and to the detriment of the rest of the economy, until eventually, now, its spread into everything and the treatment might just make things worse before they can get better. Hmmm there's one word that could have summed all that up, come on McCain you know it, you've had it, CANCER!


>> ^bamdrew:
I really hope McCain and Obama have substantive debates... so much to talk about

Substantive debates? Are you kidding me? In this day and age of scripted and vetted questions? No longer do we have true one on one debates. They are horse and pony shows for the entertainment of the mindless masses.

Lest we forget Bush refused to debate Kerry except in a strictly regulated/moderated session. They knew damn well the moron couldn't go toe to toe against a 6 year old in a debate, never mind an expert and proven technical debater like Kerry.

Of course, the general US populace didn't have the cerebral fortitude to be able to understand and analyze the issues in any substantive manner. They just wanted to elect a goon they could 'have a beer with'. Not a skillful executive with something other than air in his head.

Now we have Bush#2/McCain in line of the big chair who use to be a reputable politician. He was then quickly preened/pruned and converted to the NeoCon agenda with promises for funding for an election run. McCain knew darn well that his career was nearly over due to his age/health, that if he didn't bend over and take them up on their offer, he had little to no chance for the presidency. At the next cycle, he'd be 76 years old. That wouldn't fly. Then 80 after that.

As it is at 72 and his current health, he has a rather low percentage chance of living through his entire term. This is where Palin comes in. Do we REALLY want a president speaking to us in Tongues and talking about how she knows so much about international relations... because she looks out her log cabin window and sees Russia from Alaska?

Owning a gun and shooting a moose in a methamphetamine infested backwater town does NOT give you the 'experience' necessary to run a nation. Well.. maybe it does when the president is nothing more than a puppet to the NeoCon agenda.

I'll make this straight. I have NOTHING wrong with Conservatism. In it's TRUE core, it is a GREAT asset to have to counter far left leaning agendas. Between the two it helps moderate this nation into something more livable. Is McCain conservative? Is Bush conservative? NO. Far from it. Pay attention to what they have done and what they are doing. It IS NOT conservative in the least. Bush has and is still trying to enact some of the largest 'big government' operations in history. Conservative? Wake up. McCain only intends to continue on this path which is bankrupting the nation. Oddly, I am suspecting this may just be their intention.

Read up a bit about the great depression... the richest of the rich only got richer after the depression was over. It was the great 'weeder', which weeded out the riffraff rich from the ultra rich. The ultra rich bought up businesses and property hand over fist in massive quantities, and came out the other side more powerful than ever.

When you spend time working and making ends meet. You have little time to pay attention to the criminality being exercised by your government. This is their plan. Keep you barely holding on, keep you working, keep you unable to empower yourself to TAKE PART in ensuring your government stays straight and on the narrow.

Old tactics repeated. History is filled with it. Kings and peasants, kept busy and barely surviving with bad paying jobs, and kept under control through religious dogma.


I'm pretty sure deregulating Wall Street had little to no effect on our fallen economy. It was a long time coming with our paper money system not being backed by gold or silver and the Fed generating this paper money out of thin air whenever it feels it needs to. That's not a sustainable monetary system whether you had less or more regulations and restrictions on Wall Street.

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