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Marshall McLuhan on the information age

summary redacted

I think there was a monk from the middle-ages who foretold of a "global consciousness" that was a part of man's societal evolution.

If the internet isn't a global consciousness, it's sure coming close.


reminded me of a song by Radio Free Vestibule called "The Ballad of Marshall McLuhan"

Marshall McLuhan! You're such a groovy thinker.

You've got the best.

Insight into.

Mass mediaaaaa.

This side of the Rio Grande!

--- end.


This video is being sent to Sift Talk for discussion - discuss requested by burdturgler.

MediumIsTheMessage has been nominated for banination by burdturgler. This may be due to abuse or violations of the posting guidelines. If this nomination is seconded, the account will be permanently disabled.


A ban seems somewhat harsh in this case. It's pretty clear he's not using this as a sock-puppet account or doing anything particularly malicious. How about a we give him a warning and send him on his way?


Not every offense warrants an execution. I think the rule is in place to prevent people from voting up their own videos more than once, mostly. MediumIsTheMessage did break that rule, but in this case a warning seems more appropriate than an outright ban.


I have to agree with the *ban.

The whole thing seems strange. There are better and more ethical ways to conduct research, especially for a subject with so much literature.

If you're going to be asking people flat out why they sift then you are going to have to recognize the answers will be influenced by the weighty manner you asked.

Medium is the message, right. You want honest answers, so you'll have to deliver with the same honesty you're asking for.


MediumIsTheMessage has been seconded for banination by Bleedingsnowman. This account will now be disabled. If you would like to appeal this banination, MediumIsTheMessage, you may contact the administrators.


I think that what he aimed for was as objective answers as possible, and that is why the sockpuppet was made. Yeah, of course it technically broke the rules, but the account could have been banned after the questions and the person could reveal his real identity and ask for it to be banned.

I suppose he should have asked permission from dag or lucky first, before this.

>> ^burdturgler:
He's submitted and voted on videos from two different accounts. I don't see how you can not be banned for that.

How do you know? Can you see which accounts he has? His own statement is not steadfast evidence.

In any case, mediumisthemessage, come out from hiding and admit who you are, and we won't track you down. This is just a minor infraction, even if it sounds harsh in the rulebook. People's trigger fingers are just a bit loose right now.


"I made this extra account for the purposes of making interviews and posing questions on SiftTalk."

If it was just for research, OK ... maybe.
But submitting and voting on videos too, no.

"I have been an occasional user of VideoSift for a couple of years now ..."
I don't think anyone could come here for years and not upvote a single video.

Sorry if I seem like an asshole. You're not allowed to have two accounts.
One of them had to be banned regardless.


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