Marijuana vs. Alcohol

Ezra Klein explains how drugs are bad, of course, but the drug war is even worse. It's possible, however, that legal pot could be a huge public-health win. Alcohol is a far, far more dangerous drug than pot — and there's some evidence that pot can curb alcohol use. But the government doesn't need to stop there: pot can be legalized in ways that make it much more attractive than drinking. [yt]

I honestly don't get how it can be schedule i. While I'd move it off the schedules all together (or create a schedule vi and toss in alcohol and tobacco with it, call it substances that can be taxed and controlled at the federal level, with each state and local districts being allowed to ban or add additional controls on them, such as the federal mandate to be 21 to buy alcohol despite not being on any schedule, schedule vi would seek to codify that) I think I'd move meth to schedule i, despite the ingredients being lower level schedules, and I'd probably move LSD from schedule i to ii or iii... probably ii.


I interviewed the head of NORML a few years back for an op-ed I wrote. And while I was unable to use any of the information he provided at the time, he said that one of the first things Congress did was to exempt alcohol and tobacco from the Controlled Substances Act. Afterword, it didn't take much to vilify marijuana alongside heroin and LSD.

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