Lützenkirchen - Drei Tage Wach

Pretty cool text and minimal video/audio track. Can anyone translate this?

The German/English Lyrics:

Lützenkirchen - "3 Tage wach" (Three days awake)

Pille - Palle - Alle Prall
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff
Verpeilt und verschallert, alle verballert,
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff

Pills - Balls - Everyone Prall
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted
wasted and ?, everyone bombed,
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted

Auf gehts ab gehts, 3 Tage wach
Nächste Party kommt bestimmt, 3 Tage wach
Afterhour vor der Hour, 3 Tage wach
3 Tage wach jetzt wirst du langsam schwach

Come on, let's go, three days awake
Next party comes for sure, three days awake
Afterhour before the hour, three days awake
three days awake, you're slowly getting weak


volle Kanne einwurf, 3 tage wach
paniert und ding dong ding dong, 3 tage wach
bunte Pillen Fete, 3 Tage wach
Puls wie ne Rakete, 3 Tage wach

Popping all the way, three days awake
trashed and ding dong ding dong, three days awake
colourful pills party, three days awake
pulse like a rocket, three days awake


punkt punkt komma klar, 3 Tage wach
du warst gestern auch schon da, 3 Tage wach
spieglein an der Wand wer ist 3 Tage wach
du und deine Oma sind 3 Tage wach

dot dot comma, right, three days awake
yesterday you were here too, three days awake
mirror on the wall, who's there three days awake
you and your grandmother are three days awake

Nase voll, Pimmel schrumpft, 3 Tage wach
Essen doof, Schlafen doof 3 Tage wach
Banane in der Birne, 3 Tage wach
bollerbuden dirndl, 3 Tage wach

nose filled, dick shrinks, three days awake
food sucks, sleep sucks, three days awake
banana in the head, three days awake
bollerbuden drindel (?), three days awake

notfall Apotheke, 3 Tage wach
Rotz auf der Tapete, 3 Tage wach
verplant paniert, 3 Tage wach
völlig ungeniert, 3 Tage wach

emergency pharmacy, three days awake
snot on the wallpaper, three days awake
confused hammered, three days awake
totally unabashed, three days awake


Teller bis zum Unterkiefer, 3 tage wach
in der Hose ungeziefer, 3 tage wach
Flasche leer, Feuerwehr 3 tage wach
laufen geht jetzt auch nicht mehr, 3 tage wach

plates until the lower jaw, three days awake
bugs in your underpants, three days awake
bottle empty, fire department, three days awake
I can no longer stand on my feet, three days awake

Pille - Balls - Alle Prall
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff -Druff
Verpeilt und verschallert, alle verballert,
Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff - Druff

Pille - Balls - Everyone Prall
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted
wasted and ?, everyone bombed
wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted - wasted

edit: i.e. a slightly corrected version of this translation

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