Low-Tech Tetris on the streets of Ecuador


I don't know what's funnier this or the YouTuber's comment about his own video:

The tranquil chaos of Ecuador's most mercantile city was briefly interrupted this morning by a rare moment of collective coordination and choreography of the kind not witnessed since the legendary, if not infamous, Pirate attacks that systematically pillaged the wealth and virtues of the city's original settlers. Police and municipal authorities were flooded with calls reporting unexplained organization along a narrow portion of 9 de Octubre Avenue, Guayaquil's main thoroughfare. While no group has yet claimed responsibility, there are rumors circulating in local media outlets that the city may have taken its first evolutionary steps towards 2nd World status, demonstrating that collective organization absent coercion is indeed possible, momentarily at least. ...


"not witnessed since the legendary, if not infamous, Pirate attacks that systematically pillaged the wealth and virtues of the city's original settlers"


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