Louis CK - God

Louis CK "If there is a god..."

>> ^eric3579:

Being in a relationship with god is like being in a dysfunctional relationship with someone who mentally abuses you.

walking on two legs is oppressive, until you develop. If you want to deny spirituality, you can, but you still live in a spiritual world.


Bullshit. Prove it.

..oh wait. You can't. How perfectly convenient for your rhetoric.

"Spirituality" in all its forms is just religion without the mass murder.

Mind-numbingly superstitious and nonsensical as any biblical verse or quranic prayer.

>> ^marinara:

>> walking on two legs is oppressive, until you develop. If you want to deny spirituality, you can, but you still live in a spiritual world.


Drilling a hole through your hand is difficult, until the drill makes it through the other side.
Or, more to the point:
Shutting down the rational part of your brain and activating self induced highs is difficult, until you've had a lot of practice.
>> ^marinara:

walking on two legs is oppressive, until you develop. If you want to deny spirituality, you can, but you still live in a spiritual world


I get that he is intentionally misrepresenting it this way for humor, but the story doesn't play out anything like that.

The story is in Genesis 22. It's a pretty short read.


>> ^soulmonarch:

I get that he is intentionally misrepresenting it this way for humor, but the story doesn't play out anything like that.
The story is in Genesis 22. It's a pretty short read.

reliable translation, is it? how "faithful" to the original was it? any idea? to which edition are you referring? who's the publisher? does the author have any other credits? or perhaps it was dictated? oral tradition?

you get the point.

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