Logan: Superhero Movies Get Old


About damn time Hollywood started to realize these movies need a paradigm shift. I love the new breed of genre-busting superheroes (Legion and DeadPool), but I'm sick to death of the standard cookie-cutter pieces which seem to come out seven or eight a summer these days.


Promoting this video back to the front page; last published Thursday, May 25th, 2017 9:15am PDT - promote requested by OverLord.


I watched the first couple of X-men and the first Spider-man... but once it became formulaic I started using the word "McMarvel" to describe the mainstream process of turning comics into "films" and slapping them together and shitting them out.

Don't get me wrong, I liked Doctor Strange - but look at something like David Lynch's Twin Peaks Returns. I mean this is why I like this guy - he is creative & defiant, always. The first 2 part episode is like the anti-thesis of Hollywood garbage (while incorporating some of it) and basically anti-reboot as well.

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