Little girl entertains chipmunk

Sure, kiss the wild rodent. That's completely safe.

Tags for this video have been changed from 'girl, chipmunk' to 'girl, chipmunk, japan, cute, kiss, smile, adorable, laugh, innocence' - edited by lucky760


Probably not a wild animal (although perhaps it should be). I saw a chipmunk for sale in a pet store in Gotanda, Tokyo. The poor little thing was going insane in it's cage, repeatedly darting back and forth between the same two points.


I see hamsters doing that all the time at my pet store. Too funny.

>> ^rychan:

Probably not a wild animal (although perhaps it should be). I saw a chipmunk for sale in a pet store in Gotanda, Tokyo. The poor little thing was going insane in it's cage, repeatedly darting back and forth between the same two points.

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